Bastian:CH11: Biggest Mistake Part 1

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Closed for a private session I've locked the doors and pulled across the blackout curtains, covering the glass wall completely. Everly is looking better already, having consumed a glass of juice with a dash of energising elixir. Every time I look at Everly, I keep getting transported back in time in my mind. Despite brushing my teeth and gargling with salt water I can still taste her sweet intoxicating blood, feel her quivering in my arms, hear her silently begging to be taken right there and then. I wanted her, as much as Everly did me, and it's frustrating as heck.

Stop thinking about it!

Kahli is stretching with Everly, both lunging forward on one leg, leaning back on the other. Finally, I've got the day to train Everly, this is what should've happened day one. With how unstable Everly is at the moment, I'm going to be stuck here for a lot longer than I planned. I should've stayed away, spent my break somewhere else. I really thought once I felt Everly was close by, that I could avoid her completely. We, Kal and I should be with Caden and Harper working an assignment or working a bounty. I feel like a caged animal.

"Where do you want to start?" Kal asks.

We've covered enough of theory, "Magic, learning control is the key."

Kal just nods while Everly is turning pale.

There's a bunch of dummies in the storage room, and with Kal's help we drag out a couple of the heavy fuckers, you'd think with them being on wheels it would be easy. These guys are carved from stone, enchanted against magic.

Every legacy has different powers, even those in the same class, it might only be their strength that varies but no one is 100% the same. Some are only one-trick ponies, and then you have the rarest of them all- dual classes, they're more common in elementals.

For light casters and every other legacies, we usually fall under one of three specialist categories: defender, healer, and attacker. Everly could fall under any one of them, it's the connection between our light and dark that has made it possible for Everly to heal me. Not every light caster can magically heal anybody on command.

"I want you to try and blast one of the dummies like you did Wesley in the hospital."

I've done my research on the guy, he doesn't have any marks against his name, but he's obviously done something wrong, for Everly's magic to lash out like that.

Everly walks the small distance until she is standing in front of it, on the other side of the room, "I don't know how I did that, I didn't mean. . . It just happened."

How do I explain it? Teaching isn't my specialty, I've told Director Williams this every time she's asked me to stay here and become a teacher.

"The magic is always inside you, you just have to focus and feel the energy buzzing," I close the distance between us, "Close your eyes and try to find it."

Everly follows my direction.

I continue, "Take deep breaths, in your mind call out to your power, don't fear it, don't run away from it."

She's really trying, but I can feel Everly's fear and it's not backing down, afraid of hurting me or Kal the magic is being buried, "Everly, you're not going to hurt anyone, the training dummy will be fine."

Minutes pass but nothing changes.

This isn't working, "Hey Kal can we have the room?" I ask. Hopefully, it will help enough.

Kal nods, "Sure, I'm just standing around doing nothing anyway."

I follow behind Kal who pauses when reaching the door, "Be easy on her, it's going to take time and rushing is only going to hinder her progress."

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