Everly:CH5: Delusional Part 1

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Author's Note: Ignore the password. It is competition related.

If she's my karma. . . I died, and now I'm in purgatory. I guess it's better than losing my mind. I'd rather be dead than put Polly through that pain and suffering and hurt her as my father did me, my younger brothers and my mother. Similar to the divine realm, time doesn't exist here or at least that's what we're taught. The worst, repeat offenders are sent to purgatory after death only to be reborn after serving their sentence. Apparently the deities' got the torture idea from a book called The Bible. 

"I don't serve those bastards," she snaps.

Karma is still holding my heart in her hand while her grip around my throat is tightening ever so slowly, drawing out the torture. Even if I could scream, I know it's a waste of time. No one's going to hear me. I don't care what Karma says. Purgatory makes perfect sense, and can't be worse than the 

She sighs dramatically, "If this were purgatory, you know exactly who would be here torturing you. Look around, he's not here. Well I mean he's obviously in purgatory somewhere, hopefully being raped by a double-edged sword."

It doesn't matter how many nails I break, how much flesh I tear away from her hand, Karma's grip refuses to relent, to release me. You are him, I'm not falling for your tricks, you ripped out my heart when I was just a child. I trusted you. This is all part of the torture.

Karma hisses and growls at the same time- at least that's what it sounds like before she yanks me forward, then backward with such force my head breaks the stone upon impact. Sounding like a feral animal, her fingers curled in my hair I'm a dead weight being slammed repeatedly, listening to the stone crumble onto the floor around me.

Sharp pains- like looking at light when suffering from a migraine behind the eyes, bounce around inside my skull alongside the sickening thuds. The sharp little knives are making their way down my spine sending tingles and sharp needles to my extremities. I jumped the gun earlier. 

This is the end. I hope this is the end.

"I am not HIM!" She seethes.

You literally just ripped out my heart!

Karma stands to her feet but the heaviness of my body has me stuck as if I'm still pinned underneath her weight. I'm petty sure the back of my skull is cracked open, I should be dead right now. I'm wrong again, this is never going to end. Heartless and now brain-damaged- this has to be purgatory.

"It doesn't belong to you anymore, it's my turn," she shoves the still-beating organ in my face and grabs a piece of broken stone, digging it into her chest, cutting right down the center. I expect to see blood, especially after she slices through the muscle underneath, and exposes the rib cage, but it never comes. She doesn't cry or whimper when tearing back the skin as if it's only a jacket, I can see there's nothing where her heart should be.

What the fuck is this shit?!

It's hard to know if the nausea is from my exposed brain and definite concussion or from watching her reach up underneath her own sternum, forcing my heart to sit inside her chest. At least my nerves and pain receptors are mostly fried, apart from the queasiness, I don't feel anything.

"Come on, start beating again," Karma is squeezing my dead organ.

Took long enough.

"Make it work!" she screams and grabs my wrist yanking me to my feet. The hand pressed against my chest is the only thing keeping me standing upright right now. Even if I knew how there's no way I'm helping this bitch. I have a matching set of holes; one in my chest and head.

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