Mara:CH20: The End

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Opening my eyes, I smirk triumphantly. My mind is clear and I'm in full control . . . finally. It took me longer than expected to get Everly to surrender. Bastian is still unconscious and Khali is gone trying to hunt down the culprit. Too bad she won't figure it out in time. I'm going to get Polly out of here and have Mordecai erase her memory of me and Everly, but for now my first stop is to change out of this stupid gown.

Considering it's in between meals, the cafeteria is empty apart from the cooks prepping for dinner. They ignore me as I enter the double doors into the kitchen. They're used to Everly.

"Hey," I sneak up on Polly and whisper in her ear as my arms snake around her torso from behind. Her luscious blonde locks smell of jasmine and honey.

"What are you doing here?" Polly questions.

"It's me, Mara," I nibble on her soft earlobe. I plan on making many memories of the two of us together while I have the chance.

Polly giggles, "I'm working."

"Skip it. We don't have much time left together," I say while moving her hair aside to gain access to her neck, running my lips up and down I begin sucking and gently biting. She leans against me becoming putty between my hands.

"I won't survive without you," Polly breathes.

Grabbing her hand, I lead Polly to the pantry without a care in the world about anyone else. I want her right now, and I know Polly wants me just as much.

"You're stronger than you know baby," I push all the glass jars aside and grab hold of her hips. Lips parted our tongues don't hesitate as our bodies collide.

Gripping her hips I lift her onto the cleared end of the table. Legs wrap around me as my tongue explores and teases, occasionally pulling on her bottom lip all the while my hands massage her breasts, creeping underneath her shirt, rolling her erect nipples between my finger tips. It's not until I'm in dire need of a deep breath that our lips finally part.

Pushing up her skirt, I tug her underwear down past her knees and ankles, tossing them aside. Polly is just as out of breath as me. Both of us panting heavily I start on her outer thighs, trailing my lips, leaving kisses, teasingly working my way towards the centre.

"What do you think you're doing?" I question. Her quiet moans are being muffled by her hand.

"What do you mean?" She sounds disappointed.

"I want to hear you."


"No buts. I don't give a fuck if they hear us. After what you did, you can't stay here anyway." Without waiting for an answer, or hesitating my tongue begins flicking her most sensitive organ, my mouth sucking, tongue licking up all her juices. As instructed Polly doesn't cover her mouth. Her moans make me throb and ache until I begin stroking myself in unison until our bodies shudder violently for the last time.

Out of breath once again I join Polly on the table, exhausted yet exhilarated and covered in sweat, we both chuckle knowing anyone nearby just heard everything.

Polly grabs a small flask from her skirt pocket handing it to me, "Did you forget it's your birthday? I should've been the one doing most of the work, not you."

"There's still plenty of time," I shrug before twisting off the lid. It's just what I need. A stiff drink to quench the thirst.

Staring into her beautiful blue eyes with the endorphins and adrenaline flooding through my body, I can almost picture a life for us together. I've been so determined on gaining the ability to switch of my emotions that I haven't considered anything else, not seriously. We could have it all couldn't we?

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