Mara:CH3: Defiant

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My mission is Everly who just happens to be the one person in this dump that I absolutely cannot stand. It's her holier-than-thou attitude, her lack of backbone and the fact that she is the biggest hypocrite I know. She's also ridiculously sensitive and so afraid of hurting other people's feelings, it's pathetic.

And I mean how am I meant to keep someone alive who is just one really bad day away from slitting their wrists? Mission impossible, I say which is why I'm putting my foot down. I refuse. I'm nobody's slave, and I'm not going to willingly torture myself.

Why should I?

I matter too.

Walking across the quiet street under the night sky, I stop in front of Wesley's house. I can hear drunkards down the other end of the street hollering outside the tavern. It's about time I did something for myself. Everly needs to fight her own battles, I'm not doing this for her. She's a grown-ass woman and it's time she acted like one.

Opening the side gate I know exactly what window I need to climb through. He doesn't even bother locking it, he thinks he's invincible, untouchable, that no one would ever, and I mean ever bother messing with him.


After sliding the window up, I very slowly pull myself over the ledge, landing on my feet in the bedroom, crouching on the ground.


The drunk bastard is passed out and snoring, of course, he is. He doesn't react when I activate my sunstone- it takes a few seconds as I grasp it tightly in my palm before it glows so bright it's illuminating the entire room, turning night into day.

It's time to play before getting what I came for.

Yup sounds great to me. I walk across the room and slide open the glass doors stepping into the walk-in closet. The fact that I can't be bothered counting how many pairs of shoes he owns says it all. The amount of suits isn't much better. They're mostly brightly coloured except for the few navy blues and maroon three-piece suits.

What's this?

Tucked away in a corner are expensive-looking dresses, and a large wooden jewelry box with the name Vernah engraved on it. Hmm, I think I will start with the dress. Running my hands over the fabrics I eye each piece; too long, too white, ugly mustard yellow colour, too poofy, needs to be burnt, oh honey what were you thinking, wait . . . ding, ding, ding we have a winner.

Asymmetrical the sleeveless navy blue piece is slightly longer in the back with a solid layer underneath that is shorter than the lace over top. The silver belt matches the sparkling silver thread seen throughout the dress woven into the lace.

Changing into the only decent dress amongst the bunch I look at myself in the full-length mirror. My brown skin really makes the silver pop against the navy blue. It's not a perfect fit, but it still looks great.

After searching through the jewelry box, I pick out a set of titanium earrings, almost like a double helix the two pieces of metal are curling around each other, studded with small blue sapphires. They were definitively either picked out for this dress or specially made to match it. The necklace is similar, a solid titanium band with a large sapphire. I'm sure there is a bracelet, probably a tiara and most likely a ring or two to finish off the ensemble but this will do perfectly, for now.

I look amazing.

Wesley is still unconscious when I make my way to his bed, and start bouncing, jumping from side to side over his limp body but he is still snoring. The tactic gets boring fast. Time to change it up. Sitting on his chest, a few slaps to the face finally gets a reaction. Squinted brown eyes blink rapidly before he uses his hand to shield them from the bright light.

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