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"kyo one more." i whined feeling like my arm was ready to fly off. "awe come on airie! he loves it!" nishinoya smiled with his teeth. i glared at him, "i don't have all that muscle you do noya." he just hmphed happily and looked ahead. "onetwothree!" kyo jumped without warning. luckily nishinoya was strong enough for the both of us and lifted the three year old into the air. kyo was a giggling fit by the time we reached the school. "oi noya! where were you last night?!" tanaka stomped over to us. "i needed help with figuring out what to pack!" he pouted like a child. "not old enough to pack your own luggage?" tsukishima snickered getting onto the bus.

"ooo he's meanie!" kyo beamed at the tall blonde. tsukishima's eyes widened in horror and he hurried into the bus. "sorry ryu i stayed over at airie's," nishinoya tossed his bag into the bus's compartment shrugging his shoulders. when i heard a loud thud i looked back over to see tanaka cowering on the floor, his body paled and shriveled. "stayed? night? girl? home?" he spat out incoherently. "knock it off tanaka! it's not like that!" nishinoya shook his fist in frustration. i shook my head and started to shake off the bag that drape over my shoulder. "you three look like a family!" yachi squeaked pointing in our direction. nishinoya and i shared a confused look, then both of our eyes dropped to kyo, who held both of our hands tightly. while i started to laugh uncontrollably nishinoya was a fuming mess.

shouting trying to get everyone to stop teasing. but just then kyo let go making my heart drop. my eyes scanned the ground for him, "onii-chan!" kyo's voice made my heart rate slow down. "kyo! hey little guy!" daichi shrieked with happiness as he tossed kyo in the air. "told you so," i snickered at sugawara's comment. "zip it suga," daichi hissed before going back to talking with kyo. "what about me?" i looked over to see nishinoya frowning, his body hunched forward. "you'll get used to it noya." i giggled patting his hair. his pupils dilated the second my hands brushed his hair, his cheeks changing color lightly. "noya sit with me!" tanaka ran up to us and yanked noya onto the bus. i shook my head and followed the team onto the bus only to be stopped by takeda. "ms. honda wanted me to hand you this." he smiled handing me a lavender folder. i bowed a quick thank you and got onto the vehicle.

i smiled at the sight of kyo standing on daichi's lap just gawking out the window. i found an empty row toward the back on the right and claimed it for my own. just as i sat down i felt my phone vibrate, pulling it out i saw a text from ichigo.

from; ichigo
don't forget i'm calling tonight.

from; ichigo
also be safe

from; ichigo
also also, stay away from that boy airie.

i snickered at his messages and sent back a simple, i'll miss you too, knowing that's what he was trying to say. i tucked my phone away and pulled my knees to my chest, my eyes glanced around seeing who was around me. across from me sat ennoshita and narita. in front of me was asahi by himself, and across the way was nishinoya and tanaka. from what i could see the two were bickering about something in a hushed voice. the bus started to move, my body shot up and my eyes scanned for kyo.

i relaxed a little seeing him between the two third years still. i sunk back into my seat and placed the folder on my lap, my fingers trembled from my nerves. i remember ms. honda telling me that she'll be sending me with sheet music to practice. i had to practice a specific price but also an original piece. they needed me to showcase my classical skills along with my originality in order to qualify for the competition. taking in a deep breath i flipped open the folder, my eyes landed on a bright pink paper with writing on it.


i know i won't be there to help you warm up for your audition, but i will be there the day of! i have faith in your skills enough to perfect this piece.
i've also called ahead to the nekoma faculty, they've granted you access to their music room and will hand you the keys upon arrival.

also, i understand that you prefer to go by airie, but for this competition you have to be called by last name. i hope you can forgive me.

ms. honda

my fingers unconsciously gripped the corner of the folder then loosened up. it's just a name. just a name. moving the note to the back, my eyes then gazed at the pre picked piano piece in front of me, adagio by peter james. i've heard it once before but never played it on the piano. i pulled out my phone along with my headphones, sticking one earbud in my ear i pressed play on the video. my body shivered with the intensity of the piece. it was lovely, but so heart wrenching at the same time. with my concentration on the music flowing through my ear and my gaze stuck on the scenery outside, i didn't notice my fingers in the air trying to play the notes.

across the way a certain boy was watching me with concerned eyes.

the sun had set and the scenery that we drove past was looking like a light show. i glanced down at kyo, he was curled up next to me with daichi's jacket swallowing him up. pretty much everyone on the bus was asleep, and i was just about to when i heard a stifled manly giggle.

my eyes glanced across the way and saw tanaka with nishinoya snickering. "man can you believe it!" tanaka giggled. "i know! we're going to be under the same roof as kiyoko!" nishinoya silently cheered. "for a whole week!" the two's eyes turned into hearts as they melted into one another.

i blinked furiously a few times and directed my eyesight out of the window again. i closed my eyes and tried to push away the weird sinking feeling in my stomach.

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