Part Three

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"There we go now, nice and tight... we wouldn't want our sheep roaming away, now would we?"

I slowly open my eyes, and find Sammy standing in front of me. I struggle to move and find that I'm firmly tied to a chair. "Wha....? Let me go!"

"No." he says, completely ignoring me "No we wouldn't."

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" I yell, shaking violently in fear and anger as he bends down and removes the axe from the spot near my feet it was resting. He sets it against the wall on the other side of the room before returning to continue talking to me.

"I must admit I am honored that you came all the way down here just to visit me, it almost makes what I'm about to do seem... cruel. But, the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me. Wait... you look familiar to me... that face." He leans in close toward me, and I lean backward, glaring at him. He places his hand under my chin, forcing me to face him as he examines my face. He apparently decides this isn't the proper time to be checking me out and goes back to his menacing monologue. "Not now... For our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will be finally free from this... prison, this inky, dark, abyss I call a body!"

I open my mouth to snap at him again, but he shoves an inky rag into my mouth. "Sssh! Listen! I can hear him... crawling above. Crawling! Let us begin... The Ritual must be completed!" His voice drops so I have to strain to hear it, and I can faintly hear a tinge of a deep emotion in his words "Soon he will hear me... He will set us free!"

When he turns and walks toward a door on the left side of the room, I finally wrench my arms free from the restraints and spit out the rag. "S-Stop!!"

He stops and slowly turns to me "What... You have any last words, my little sheep?"

Okay (y/n) last chance...just distract him. "Yeah. You should've tied my arms tighter."

"Excuse me?" He says menacingly, and he begins to walk back over to me.

"I said," I stand up and tense my muscles in preparation to bolt. "You should have tied me a little bit tighter." I push myself upward with full force and ram my shoulder into his chest. He falls back onto the floor and I run past him. I sprint down the hall, deeper into the music wing.

I hear his footsteps behind me as I run down the long hallway. So many doors... I grab at the knob of the closest one and twist it. To my horror, its locked. No no no no no!! I try the other ones, but they're all locked.

"Where are you, My Little Sheep? We mustn't keep My Lord waiting!" I hear Sammy yell after me, and I panic harder.

I come to the last door at the end of the hallway and try the knob. Locked again?!? I bang frantically on the frustratingly solid door. "Just...Open!!!"

An axe lands around two inches away from my head, slicing off around two inches of a chunk of my hair and burying itself deep in the wood. I freeze, then slowly turn around to see Sammy less than a yard away from me. He yanks the axe out of the wall, grabs my neck and leans in close. I close my eyes and brace myself for the agony that's almost certainly about to come...

When several seconds pass and I'm still not dead, I slowly crack open my eye. Sammy's still just... staring at me. Finally, he begins to speak. "Your face... I don't know where I've seen it before... it's so.... Distracting." He leans in for a closer look, and I struggle vainly to get him to drop me.

"Please! Just let me go!" I finally yell, and the terror makes tears slowly begin to slide down my cheeks.

"That is out of the question. But do not cry, my little sheep..." he says, and he drops the axe and uses his other hand to wipe the tears off my face. "You should be so proud. This is quite an honor, you know!"

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now