Part Twenty

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"And so I'm gonna return this to him!" I say, holding up the ink heart so Emily can see it.

"(y/n), a-are you insane?!" she says, sitting up in the infirmary bed and trying to snatch the wriggling organ out of my hand "He'll kill you!"

I pull the heart away from her grasp. "Hey don't take it! And I really don't think he will...!" I say, tucking it back into my pocket. "And I take it that you don't want to come with me?"

"A-absolutely Not!" she yelps, violently shaking her head "He will l-literally tear you to pieces! And y-you can't go! I-I won't let you!"

"No! I need to return it!"

"Fine." She says, shaking her head "I'll tell Sammy about EVERYTHING then if I can't convince you myself!"

"Emily!" I clap a hand over her "mouth" as she starts calling to him in my voice "Don't-!" I feel her lick the palm of my hand, and I pull it away with a yelp "Eww!!"

"Then please!" she says, shaking her head "Don't go back! I-I don't want you getting hurt... What'll Sammy do if he f-finds out you've been killed?" She shakes her head "Actually, y-you know what? I don't wanna know!" She starts to climb out of bed "(y-y/n), just think for a moment!"

I put a hand to her chest and shake my head "Ugh! You sound like Henry! And listen, I've already made up my mind! And I'll get reborn if I DO die, so I don't even know why I've been afraid of dying at all! Also..." I close my eyes and rest my forehead against my Ink hand "Could you maybe not do that thing with my voice...?"

"What thing?" she says, using my voice "This thing?"

"Yes!" I say, wanting to cover her mouth again but showing restraint "It's really disorienting. And you could also use it for some... other things..." Seeing the look in her eyes I realize instantly that was a bad idea and immediately regret my words.

"Like what~?" she asks in the most innocent and naïve sounding me impression I've ever heard.

"Nevermind..." I say, shaking my head "Just forget I said anything."

"Hey (y/n)?" she asks, and I look over at her "Did you know I can do other voices than you?"

My heart sinks "O-oh no..."

An awful grin forms on her face as she says "Aww.... What's wrong my little sheep~? You look disappointed by my talent~" in Sammy's voice.

"N-no-!" I squeak, trying to cover her mouth "Don't talk l-like him-!!!!"

"Why not?" she asks in her normal register "God, w-was it always th-that easy to fluster you?"

"Shut up..." I mutter, looking at the floor.

"And guess what (y/n)!" she says, and I have a feeling that I know what she's about to say.

"What...?" I ask, bracing myself for the embarrassment that's surly about to come.

"Well..." She takes a deep breath, then mimics word-for-word a VERY personal conversation Sammy and I had on the night of our engagement. "'Oh (y/n), no need to be so shy~!' 'I-I'm sorry! I-I'm just still not used to a-anyone looking at me... l-like this, I mean... A-and why do you h-have me like this?' 'So I can do this~'" Emily kisses the back of her hand, and I make an embarrassed whine and bury my face in my hands as she continues to torture me with the conversation. "''H-Ah-! Why are you d-doing that th-there!?' 'Do you have a problem with that my love~?' 'N-no...' 'Then shall I continue~?' 'O-okay~'"

Oh no... she's not gonna say that... is she? I think, completely flustered as she begins to mimic my stifled moans, perfectly replicating the sounds by biting the back of her hand. "E-Emily... stop-!" I whine, too embarrassed to remove my hands from my face to shut her up.

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now