Part Five

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I hear clapping.

I sit bolt upright and whip around see Sammy standing behind me. "Well, well, well... Your voice and is rather enchanting, little sheep. It will be a shame to silence it forever. But, had this been different circumstances, I would've hired you to voice something for me. But, this will be worth it..." He trails off wistfully, tilting his masked head to the side.

I stiffly stand up, my mind racing. What do I know about him...? Was it that he was sneaky, if that's the case, maybe I could...? No, that was Norman. What did Joey tell me about him? My mind flashes back to the old stories he used to tell me about his old employees. Right! I remember now. Samuel Lawrence. Head of the music department. Good-looking, takes care of his appearance, short tempered, thinks he's extremely entitled. Weakness for praise and obedience to him. He's completely different, totally corrupted by the ink now though... But this may be my only chance to deal with him. I can't do what I did last time... He'll be expecting that.

"Hello, Mister Lawrence." I say, steading my voice and standing taller. Try the falsetto innocence voice. "You're looking awful sharp today. Have you wrote any good music recently? You always had amazing talent... at least that what Mister Drew says."

Sammy appears to almost be preening, then bristles one I mention my uncle. "Do not mention that...that monster's name around here!" He angrily yelps. "HE BETRAYED US. HE LIED TO US!!"

I cut him off and my voice slips back into its normal register. "Yeah. I know... My uncle did some awful things... But he still remembers you and your amazing talent."

He steps back in horror. "Y-you are his blood...? Well then, The Ink Demon will surely free us when I sacrifice the kin of his nemesis. Perhaps you're not as much an innocent sacrifice as much as you are a foul creature that must killed for the sake of everyone down here!"

I swallow the tears that raise to my eyes. Well, at least he sees me the way every other person I know does... But then, a dark cloud seems to pass through my mind, and a strange anger begins to build inside me. My body stands up by its own accord and I raise the axe and step menacingly toward him. "I don't think so... What if I sacrifice you? Then I'd be free. He'd set me free... HE would set us all free." W-what?! (y/n) stop this! I snap myself out of the stupor. "I could end you right now... but I won't. I can't. I'll spare you... J-just go!"

"NO!!" He yells, snatching the axe from my grasp. "ONE OF HAS TO DIE!!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?! YOU MUST BE SACRIFICED!!! YOU ARE TOO LOWLY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR KIN PUT US ALL THROUGH!!! HE BETRAYED US!! HE LIED TO US!! HE ABANDONED US!! HE LEFT US ALL TO ROT!!!!" He raises the axe and I do the last thing I have the power to do. I reach up and tear his mask off. He freezes in shock, and for a few moments I get to see his true face. Or lack thereof. He has eyes, but they're... hollow and an even darker black than the rest of his face, and slightly larger than the average humans. There's only the hint of a nose and mouth, but I don't get to see it for more than a few moments.

He drops the axe and turns away, covering his face with his hands. "D-don't look at me! Get away!"

I look at the weathered bendy mask. The back of it is stained black and sticky with ink. My heart twists with disgust at this pitiful display of his wretchedness but also a feeling I don't want...compassion.

No (y/n)! he doesn't deserve your compassion! He tried to kill you three times already! But some inexplicable urge guides me to Sammy's side. "S-Samuel?" I place my hand on his shoulder. Ugh! He's all warm and sticky! (y/n), be comforting. "Listen to-" I'm rudely cut off as Sammy grabs me by my shirt collar and throws me backward onto the cot.

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now