Part Twelve

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I pop through the wall and am right in front of a projector. That's funny, it should be facing the.... Oh shit. Realization of how much danger I'm in hits me harder than a bus full of tourists new to New York. The Projectionist lets out a bone chilling screech and grabs at me. I make a twin shriek of terror and pain as his hand brushes my arm. That hurts worse than the searchers did, and I yank away and take off down the flooded hallway.

Oh god, oh no, oh no.... he's gonna kill me! Norman's right on my tail as I continue to sprint down the halls. I take a deep breath and yell as loud as I can, hoping Henry will hear me. "HENRY, GET INTO THE ELEVATOR AND SHUT THE DOOR! I'LL MORPH THROUGH, BUT YOU GOTTA DO IT FAST BECAUSE NORMAN'S ONE STEP BEHIND ME!!!!"

I put on one final burst of speed and come around a corner to see the elevator and Henry yanking the cage style door shut with all his might. I yell once more, and he looks up and pulls it shut with a loud clang. But then... I feel an agonizing pain on the back of my neck.

I turn around and am momentarily blinded by the light from Norman's head. He shrieks again and lunges at my head. I rip my shoulder out of his grasp and move to the side, but not quick enough. He slams into me at full force, and I fall backward onto the floor with a loud splash. I move away and run over to the elevator, but I feel Norman sink his claws into my shoulders and yank me back toward him. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt before, but it doesn't last too long because my entire body goes numb. I'm gonna die! I think in horror. I pull away as hard as I am physically able to and feel my shirt rip away. As I slip again into the ink The Projectionist backs up and begins to menacingly circle around me. I slowly look up and see out of the corner of my eye that Henry's trying to pry open the door to come and help me. He's unarmed... and even both of us together don't stand a chance against him... then I remember Alice's wrench I still have tucked in my shirt.

I reach into my shirt and pull it out. Closer... closer... NOW! The second Norman lunges at me for the final strike, I roll off to the side and stand up behind him. I swing the wrench with last remaining strength. It hits him perfectly on the back of his head and he falls forward, the light on his flickering.

I don't wait to see if he gets up, I just scramble back to the elevator and jump through the bars. "(y/n)!" Henry yells, running over to see if I'm all right.

"I got the light!" I cough weakly, and I reach into my pocket to grab the light. I hand it to Henry, and he takes it, mashes the "up" button on the elevator's control panel. Unlike the last time when we rode it for at least five minutes, the elevator shoots upward.

"Why can't it always move this fast...?" I say, wheezing as I try to catch my breath. I don't wait for Henry's response and continue "But man! I can t-totally see why he still terrifies you. He really tapped into my subconscious claustrophobia, fear of mazes and the fear of being stalked!" I reach up to rub the wounds on my back, neck and arm Norman inflicted, but the moment my fingers touch the wound I yelp in pain. "Agh! These hurt a lot more now that I'm not pumped up on adrenaline..."

"Um, (y/n), your shirt is really bloody in the back." Henry says as he moves closer to get a better look at my back. I crane my neck just in time to see all the color drain from his face. "O-oh my god! (y/n)! Your shoulders are completely mangled!!" he facepalms in self-disgust "I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I shouldn't have let you join me...This is my fault." He says apologetically.

"No, it's fine." I say, stiffly standing back upright and trying to brush the excess ink off. "I wanted to come with you despite your warnings." I cough, and a bit of ink comes out of my mouth. "It's really not your fault." A part of my mind chimes that I should probably be more concerned about the state of my shoulders, but I push that out of my mind.

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