Part Seventeen Lemon

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(A/N) Fuck it, this is 100% canon!

"YOU WENT WHERE?" Sammy yells, grabbing my shoulders "How could you do that?! Have you no faith in the lord?! Why must you risk your life and limb for such a trifling matter?! Do you know what would become of me? I would fall back to the black hole I was in before you became my savior-" He releases my shoulders and turns away. "I... I am just thankful you are safe. I don't know what I would do without you. Praise the lord that you're alright!"

"Sammy, I'm fine!!!" I say back, and he pulls me close. "Anyways, if it wasn't for one of the Lost Ones, I don't think I'd still be alive."

"Who? Who protected you? I'll make sure they're amply rewarded!" he says, not loosening his hold on me.

"Hey, you can come out!" I yell, and my friend steps out.

Sammy lets go and turns to her. "You saved her life. You saved my precious (y/n)'s life! And I want you to be with her at all times, unless she tells you to leave. You must always protect her, and, this is the most important part. You will always be at her beck and call. Are we clear?"

"C-crystal s-sir!!" she chirps, standing taller.

"Perfect." He stops talking like this talk is over, and I look up at him, and give him a look that tells him he's forgetting something important. "You just got yourself a... promotion above the other Lost Ones. I hope that pleases you, because you deserve this reward!" he looks at me and I nod happily.

"R-really Mister Lawrence?! T-thank you!!" she says in the happiest voice I've heard her talk with.

"You are dismissed." He says, and she nods.

I quickly butt in with a "Be seeing you soon!"

"Y-you as well, Miss Lawrence!"

She walks out of the room, and I put my hands up to cover my blush. "W-why did she have to say that?"

"What? Don't you like it?" he says, and his stupid tone makes it even worse.

"S-shut up!!!" I yelp "I-I don't mind... but ugh!!" I groan and facepalm. He chuckles and I start feeling crush annoyance. "Well I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed!" I say primly, then I quickly scamper off down the hallway. He grabs my hand and I stop. "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just that you forgot to give me something, (y/n)." I sigh in annoyance, and he lifts up his mask. He gives me a peck on the cheek and smirks. "I'm happy now." He lowers his mask back over his face. "Goodnight."

"Yeah, goodnight to you too!" I say happily, and I walk off down the hall.

I reach the old infirmary wing and flop down onto the bed. Ugh... why am I so awkward... why am I so damn awkward...oh good god... I close my eyes and try to sleep.

I start to drift off, but I wake up to a hand caressing the side of my face. "are you awake, (y/n)?"

I groan and open my eyes "Well I am now... What do you want, Sammy...?" I slowly sit up and wearily blink up at him.

"I was just so lonely. And bored. Very bored." He moves in closer and I move my legs over so he can sit beside me.

"Well what am I supposed to do about that?! I'm exhausted." I rub my eyes and start to lay back down, but Sammy slips an arm under my back.

"I know something we could do..." he says, and I roll my eyes.

"Gross." I close my eyes and let him think I'm falling asleep. He finally tries to stand up and move his arm, but I mumble "not moving..." and lean harder onto it. After a few more futile attempts to dislodge his arm he eventually, he groans in defeat and lays down next to me. Ha! you've fallen for my ultimate power move! I will keep you here! Forever!! I internally gloat for a while, then pass out.

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now