Part Seven

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When I awaken Sammy is gone. What happened...? I look around the room and see the wall of rubble I placed in front of the door is slightly disheveled. Then I remember the horrors of last night. Right. My mind is slowly being taken over by the ink, and I'm not sure, but I think I'm maybe friends with a crazed serial murderer used to work for my uncle who wants to keep me trapped down here with him forever until he gets bored of me and decides it's time to sacrifice me. I do a weird half grin thing as I think of what my friends would think of this. They'd be all like "wow (y/n)! Never expected you to actually let yourself be kidnapped! Now all you gotta do is seduce him then stab him while he sleeps!" I laugh out loud at that. Yeah, that's exactly what they would say! Damnit. I miss (friend's name). And I'm hungry.

I get up and push past the debris in the doorway and step out to the hallway. It's still as dimly lit as it's always been. There's no trace of Sammy anywhere, which I guess is comforting. In a way at least.

After around five minutes of aimlessly walking I come back to the room where I first encountered Sammy, and to my surprise I see a man standing there. A human man that appears to be around Joey's age (Though I think he's aged a bit better). Wait, I recognize him! That's Henry! What the hell is he doing here? "Um...Henry?"

He whips around and stares at me in shock. "(y/n)?!" He looks totally shocked to see me down here. He seems totally oriented to the inky surroundings, like he's been here before, but also as if he expected something, or someone else. "What are you doing down here? You're covered in ink. How long have you been here? Does Joey know you're here?!"

"I should say the same for you!" he rushes over and I give him a quick hug. "Wait, why are you down here?"

"Your uncle sent me down for something. Sorry, I can't tell you why." He smirks and ruffles my hair like he used to do when I was a small child. "Grown up stuff."

Ooh! I can shock him with what I know! THEN YOU'LL SACRIFICE HIM TO THE DEMON. No. I'll shock him, then he'll help me escape! "You know I'm a full-grown woman now, right? I think I'm old enough to know why you're here what you're looking for. Also, I'd be careful if I were you. It's pretty dangerous. Don't get kidnapped and hacked up by an axe-murderer!"

Thinking our brief encounter is over, I turn to walk off, but he grabs my arm and yanks me back into the room "Wait (y/n)!"

I groan and roll my eyes. "What?"

"I know this might be a lot to take in, but please hear me out. It's really dangerous to be down here. You see there's a... monster... It's a twisted soulless creature your uncle created. But it's funny you said 'axe murderer' you see, there's a madman down here." He takes a deep breath. "He is an old employee of your uncle, and he went insane from consuming mass amounts of ink and believes that 'Ink Bendy' will save him and everyone else who is trapped here if he sacrifices the right person. He'll try to sacrifice you if he-"

"Oh! You mean Sammy?"

"What?!?" He yelps in a hushed way "You met him and survived? Did he try to sacrifice you? Are you hurt?!"

"No, no. I'm fine. Actually, apart from the fact that I'm slowly losing my mind because I accidentally ingested ink and Sammy isn't letting me leave, I'm better than okay. Anyways, he already attacked me, failed to sacrifice me and now is saying I can't leave. He didn't tie the ropes tight enough, so I escaped him. That's how badly he failed to sacrifice me!"

"You ate the ink?" He says with severity, ignoring the fact I just told him that I was almost murdered.

"It was an accident!" I whine, shuffling my feet uncomfortably. "And-"

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now