Part Thirteen

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I limp back through the old corridors, trailing ink behind me. Okay... I stagger back past the wall with TheMeatly cutout behind it. It feels like my body is going to split open, and the slashes down my back and mutilated shoulders from The Projectionist are bleeding heavily. Finally, I make it to the old room with the broken cot. I flop over onto the mattress and close my eyes. I'm going to die again. Will I come back even more corrupted and disgusting....? I hope Henry doesn't worry himself to death while I'm gone... My head pounds and my consciousness begins to fade. I slowly shut my eyes. Oh well. At least I'll never look like Norman. I just wish... no. there's no point to hope. I wonder if I'll die. Is this even a fatal wound? Whatever.... Then It's lights out.


I recognize that my voice...! I can only open my eyes a sliver, but I can still make out the shape of Sammy's shoulders and mask. I try to sit up to talk to him, but he presses a finger to my lips. "Sssh. It's time for sleep. You must rest!"

My eyes fill with tears. I don't want to rest. I need to tell him about everything. But I can't make another sound. I finally give in to the darkness and sleep. I awaken in the dark tunnel once again and run toward the light in the now all too familiar well of voices. I wake up to the feeling of a hand stroking my forehead. "S-Sammy...?" I croak as I blearily blink up at him.

"I can't believe you came back to see me again!" he whispers, his voice cracking. "I didn't realize you cared..."

"Of course I care, stupid." I whisper, raising my head up toward him. "I only left because I was afraid you'd think I'd gone crazy, or that I was... too much of an eyesore to keep around."

"ah... (y/n)." he says "you saw me without my mask... I am the true eyesore. I'm nothing without it. I need it to be more like the true, perfect form of my lord!"

"I-I... no. You're fine. But how do you see with it on? It doesn't have any eyeholes."

"How do you see without your mask on?"

I pause in confusion then say, "But I don't have a mask."

"I know." He says with a quick laugh.

"Haha... hey, Sammy?"

He sighs "yes?"

"Listen... I-I'm sorry I ran away from you... and I realized I really missed you, and I came back to you."

"So did I. I have missed you horribly, and I hoped you would return to me!" He takes a deep breath and continues " After you left, I was rightfully angry that you abandoned me here all alone, but then I realized that you really helped me in the few days we were in the same department. Perhaps even more than the ink... and I-I-I...."

I finally manage to sit up and reach up to touch his shoulders. "what?"

He kneels down next to the bed so he's around eye level with me. "I think you're the reason I'm changing... Perhaps..." he whispers, leaning in closer "perhaps I don't need HIM to set me free after all...?" he leans forward, and even then, his words are so quiet I can barely hear him. "and perhaps.... Perhaps this body was formed of ink for a purpose... And perhaps that purpose is you."

I gasp and a light blush forms on my face. Then, I regain my composure and hug him "You're right. You don't need him. You're fine. You've got me. And I'll show you that you don't need it. I'll stand by you till the end."

"I was so worried..." He wraps his arms around me again, and I can't help it and once again notice how muscular he is. Wrong moment to be showing signs of Stockholm syndrome, (y/n). Why don't you- SHUT UP. You mean nothing to me, Ink.

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