Part Ten

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After a long time of running and getting lost, I lean against a wall with a poster of Boris on it. But to my surprise, I fall right through it into a smaller room. There's a cardboard cutout of a... very nondetailed humanoid creature. "What the heck is this?" I say aloud, blinking in confusion. Then a name pops into my head, out of nowhere. TheMeatly.

Well that's weird. No one's ever mentioned a "Meatly" in the cartoons. No, you fool. TheMeatly. TheMeatly is the creator of a horror game series. I haven't a clue what his persona is doing here (y/n). Oh. Wait, if I was able to go through this wall... I press my hand up against the wall again, and it goes right through. I can use this to get farther away.

I run through wall after wall, confused of where I am, but not caring where I end up. Must get away. Run. Run. Run. Then, finally I come to a large open room. With "Wonder Toys" written a banner in huge fancy script. That's new. Joey never told me about this. I notice part of the floor is flooded in with ink and shake my head. No, keep going.

At last, I enter the largest room of all. There's a massive old cage elevator, but it seems to be on another floor. Perhaps Henry's using it... I think wistfully. The rest of the room is even larger than the "Heavenly Toys" room. And the floor is, mercifully, mostly clear from the ink. There's a large staircase and a set of double doors. A banner with "She's Quite A Gal!" hangs above it.

"Well well well... You're not my little errand boy..."

I freeze in fear. "W-who's there?"

"I don't recognize you..." the mysterious voice continues, and now I can tell that its distinctly female.

Maybe it's the fear and stress of everything I went through, but I become more alert to my surroundings. I can tell the voice is coming from a speaker above me "So that means the speaker's origin source is......" I look around and determine the only probable place it would be is right ahead of me. I walk forward and up a short staircase to the wooden double doors. I try them, and they're locked.

"You won't be getting in that easily, newcomer. You're not worthy to walk with angels."

Oh yeah? Try me lady. I press my hand to the door and feel my hand begin to go through the wood. Then, I lean my full weight against it and push. I step through and am greeted by an angry shriek.

"No! You can't come in here!" A figure runs up to me and tries to strike my head with something heavy. "You'll taint my perfection!"

I raise my arms and block the blow. "Get away!"

She's still relentlessly whacking at me until I rip the wrench out of her hand. "Give it back so I can kill you!"

I jump back and brandish the wrench in front of me. "No! Stay back!"

Then the figure gasps, and in a higher, less crazed voice says "Oh! My errand boy is back!" she runs back to the corner of the room where she started in. When she steps into a small shaft of light in the back corner, I finally see what she really looks like.

She's Alice Angel....sort of. She has the horns and little black dress, but her halo is crooked and laying on her head at an awkward angle. And her face is, well... One side is perfect. Smooth pale skin, a bright attentive eye with long, curled lashes, perfect lips, and Alice's signature beauty mark. But the other side... And I thought MY face was bad! It's all melted and smeared. Her eye is a black, oozing hole in her face and my god... her mouth. It's horrendously deformed and melted to the extent that I can see every one of her small, sharp teeth. In fact, the whole side of her face seems to be oozing off horror film style.

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