Part Twenty Two

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After meeting up with Henry and telling him how it went and showing him the heart, I return to my room. I'm too tired to look for Sammy to apologize, so I just close my eyes and slip off into sleep.

"(y/n)?" I open my eyes to see Emily sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at me.

"What do you want Em?" I swallow hard, feeling rather sick. "Can't you see I was sleeping?"

"S-sorry! I just wanted to know how it went with Norman! D-did he attack you?"

"N-no..." I yawn, struggling to stay awake as I pull the blankets around my shoulders, holding back another wave of nausea. "I-it was weird, like he was sad or something, and then he took me back to his room." I notice her smirk and snap "No! Before you get any ideas, we did NOT fuck! I-I just comforted him, a-and then he gave me this!" I hold up the Ink Heart into the light.

"So cool!" she says, reaching out an lightly poking it, then drawing back, looking worried. "(y/n), a-are you okay?" Emily looks concerned as she rests a hand on my shoulder. "Y-you look k-kinda green.."

"Y-yeah! I-I'm fine, never bett- O-OH F-FUCK-!!" My hand flies up to my mouth and I swallow hard as a wave of queasiness sweeps through me. I scramble out of bed, banging my leg on the cot and try to make it out of the room before I get sick everywhere.

Well, I don't make it. I double forward, the hand flying away from my mouth as I collapse to the floor, retching.

"(y-y/n)!" I hear Emily run over to me and fell her rest her hand on my shoulder. "A-are you okay?!"

Through my gagging I manage to choke out "G-go... Get" I break off, vomiting again. "G-get... S-Sammy.."

She nods, and scampers off. Wh-what's wrong with me? I was fine yesterday... I try to flip my hair over my shoulders, getting it out of my mess, but its hopeless. I feel hot tears pricking my eyes as everything I've eaten over the past few days comes back up to say hello.

"Lord almighty!" The sound of Sammy's voice makes me slightly less panicked as I hear him run up to me. He gently runs his fingers through my hair, pulling it out of my face so I don't mess it up further, and he begins gently rubbing my back. I try to say something to him, but he gently hushes me. "Ssh... No need to talk right now. You don't have to say anything..."

Eventually there's nothing left to throw up, and I weakly look up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. "S-Sammy... I-I'm s-sorry-!"

"Don't be. I'll just have one of my searchers clean this mess up." He takes my hand and helps me up to my feet.

"N-no... About yesterday..." I tightly squeeze his hand. "I-I was b-being unreasonable. I-I'm sorry."

"No, no... don't be." He lightly brushes my tears off my cheeks. "Don't worry about that, I should be the one apologizing." He gently scoops me up, cradling my tiny, shaking, vomit covered frame close. "Now, let's get you cleaned up, okay?"

I nod weakly, curling into him and burying my face into his shoulder. W-what's wrong with me..? I cling onto him as he carries me somewhere, I'm not exactly sure where though because my eyes are pressed shut.

"All right. (y/n)?" He lightly nudges my shoulder and I make a soft noise signaling I'm still awake. "Okay, good. I was afraid I'd lost you!" he gently moves me off his shoulders and sits me down on top of what feels like a desk.

I open my eyes and weakly cough "I-I'd have been much more upset, a-and probably panicking." I look up at him and add "I-I'm fine... I probably just ate something bad. O-or I could've swallowed more ink!"

He sighs exasperatedly "(y/n), how many times do I have to tell you?" He leans down to my height and rests his hand under my chin, bringing his face close to mine. "The ink is not your enemy. It will only help you. And he will set us free..."

My Inky Heart-(Sammy Lawrence x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now