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Ancient Greece

"You are special my child," her voice hoarse.

"Don't leave me here all alone, please," Namjoon begged. "I need you."

"My job here is done," she placed her hands on his face gently. "Now you need to do yours."

Namjoon's sobbed deeper into his mother's neck. He can't lose her.  Not like this.

"Be brave my son. You were born to do this. Just remember who you are, my love."

"No, mum, please don't leave me. Please, Gran will be here soon, she will be able to heal you. Please. Just stay with me a little longer."

His mother's body went limp.  He knew she was gone.


"You want to tell me what was all that about?" Yoongi asked as he entered the study where Namjoon was sitting staring out the window

Namjoon knew what Yoongi was asking but he wasn't ready to reveal anything yet until he was certain.

"What do you mean?" he asked Yoongi innocently.

"Stop with the bullshit, Joon, you can fool the other guys in the pack but you can't fool me.  I have been your second in command long enough that I can read you just by the twitch in your eye."

"And that is why I trust you the most, but I am not ready to tell you anything yet. I am still trying to figure it out myself."

"Is this about the girl?"

"Partly, yes."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at his leader. He has never seen Namjoon like this before and he and Namjoon go a long way back. Namjoon is not only his leader he is also his brother and a friend. They were not blood-related unless you count Namjoon turning him into what he is today, blood-related. Yoongi is extremely loyal to Namjoon and so were the rest of their brothers.

Namjoon is the leader or the Alpha of one of the most powerful werewolf pack in East Asia. No one exactly knows how old he is or how he became the leader but everyone knows that he is one of the strongest wolves in existence. He is a kind and gentle leader but no one dares to be on his bad side because they never lived long enough to tell the tale.

"Ok, if you say so," Yoongi said. "I won't press you on the matter anymore until you are ready to tell me."

Namjoon nodded his head.

"So, I am here to tell you that we received a call from JB and it requires our help and attention," Yoongi continued.

Namjoon sat up straight in his chair. "I am listening," he said.

"He said that there have been mysterious disappearances of people in his territory and he suspects that Vampires have moved back in."

Namjoon closed his eyes and sigh. "It's been a while since we heard from the Vampires."

"Yes, 50 years to be exact," Yoongi smiled, knowingly.

"Don't!" Namjoon growled. His eyes turned to his wolf's blue and then back to dark brown again.

"Sorry," Yoongi looked away submitting to his alpha.

"Did JB say anything else?"

"He asked if we can look into it from our end and will call us if he needs us to be there," Yoongi continued.

"Ask Hope to scan the databases and let me know if he finds anything."

Yoongi bowed and left the room.

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