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You regretted as soon as you said it out loud. "Why did I have to ask that question?" you asked yourself.

He smiled. His dimples getting deeper as he looked into your eyes and you felt your heart racing and your face was warm from the sudden blood rush. He leaned forward closing the gap between both of you and your lips met.

The kiss wasn't like the first time the both of you kissed. This was a full-on, open-mouthed, almost sexual kiss. This kiss had passion and your whole body felt like it was on fire. Your body melted into his and the way your lips fit like two puzzle pieces. His hands at the small of your back pulling you even closer to him.

"Does that answer your question?" he asked you as he pulled away from the kiss, his breathing still slightly heavy.

"Not really," you said still trying to catch your breath, "but that will do for now."

You heard him laugh and thought that it was the best thing in the world. You rested your head on his chest. It felt safe. It felt like home. Your breathing slowed and you drifted to sleep.


"Y/N?" you heard your grandmother's voice calling you as she entered the room. "Are you up sweetie?"

"Yes, gran, I am now," you replied. "What time is it?"

You looked around the room for Namjoon but he was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, you realised he must have snuck out while you were sleeping.

"It's close to noon and Namjoon and his Brothers are out doing their rounds," your grandmother said realising that you were looking for Namjoon.

"Yoongi is here though. Namjoon ordered him to rest a little bit more."

"What happened to Yoongi, Gran? I know Yoongi is Namjoon's second in command and I know that he is strong, so what happened there?"

"Dark magick, my child.  Dark magick happened. The magick that was used on Yoongi was a strong one. He was lucky he was not killed on the spot."

"I want to learn, Gran," you said.

"Learn what? Magick?" your grandmother said surprised at your determination.


She leaned forward and gave you a hug. "All in good time my dear. All in good time."

"Will you teach me all you know?"

She nodded her head. "It would be an honour, daughter of Hecate."



"When I was kidnapped, I saw mum. She came to me in the form of a butterfly. What does that mean?"

"It means that she is taking care of you, my child," your grandmother said as she touches your cheeks. You leaned into her touch and took comfort from it.

"Her song, I was singing the song that she always sings to me when I was a child. I have not sung that song in a long time but that night, her song gave me so much comfort."

"That song that you were singing, it's a spell." your grandmother said as she started tearing. "She used to teach you spells with songs so you were unaware that they were spells. They were to protect you from any Dark Magick. I think this is why you were able to resist the Vampire's charm.

"Spell?" you said quietly. It did not occur to you that those songs that your mother have taught you were not your run of the mill nursery rhymes. You started tearing as you struggle to remember the songs your mother taught you.

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