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"Hey Namjoon, what brings you here?" Jin asked as he saw his Alpha walking through the door to the Restaurant.

"Just thought I would hang out here tonight. I need to relax a little," Namjoon replied.

"You need to relax a lot," Jin joked.

Namjoon rolled his eyes at Jin but laughed anyway.

There was a running joke amongst his brothers that he was uptight. Yes, he was uptight, he admits but he'd like to see them leading one of the strongest pack of wolves in the world and be relaxed.

"Would you like something to drink Namjoon?" a voice murmured from behind the bar.

Namjoon looked up to see Kali smiling widely at him. Kali was one of the very few beings that knew what Namjoon and the rest of his brothers were. Kali is also special , as Jimin puts it. She had the gift of illusion.

"Let's start with a pint of beer, please," Namjoon said.

"Beer? Have you gone soft, Namjoon?" she grinned at Namjoon as she purposefully grabs the farthest beer mug from the counter so he would have to look down her top as she reached for it.

Namjoon smiled and looked away. He knew what she was doing. "I own the place, Kali," he said with a low voice. "The owner doesn't tip the staffers."

"I know," she winked at him.

Loud laughter from the far corner of the restaurant caught Namjoon's attention.

"What's going on there?" Namjoon asked Kali jerking his chin towards the direction where the noise was coming from.

"Oh! A private party. A birthday, I think," Kali replied.

There was something odd that Namjoon couldn't place his finger on about this party. He felt like he has met one of them before but he couldn't figure out where, or when.

"Jin," Namjoon said as he caught Jin by his arms as he passes. "Do you know who the girl in the party hat is?"

"Oh! That's the birthday girl," Jin replied.

"Yes, but WHO is she? Have we crossed path with her before?"

"Not that I know of. Why?" Jin asked now tilting his head.

"She seems...different."

"What do you mean different?"

"I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I just know that she is a little different."

Jin nodded his head and sat beside Namjoon.

The whole night, Namjoon couldn't take his attention off the birthday girl. There was something in the way she laughs or the way she speaks that intrigues him.

When the group decided to move the party on to another place, Namjoon sat straight in his seat hoping to catch the name of the next place. The restaurant was buzzing with people and the noise level was a little louder than usual but that didn't matter. He could hear their conversation clearly as if he was sitting at the same table with them, thanks to his wolf ears.

"What can we do to change your mind?" asked one of the girls.

"Nothing," the birthday girl smiled sweetly. That smile tugged at Namjoon's heart.

"Aw, Y/N! It's your birthday. Celebrate a little," said another one of her friends.

She smiled again.

"I swear I have seen that smile somewhere!" Namjoon thought.

"Come on, Y/N. You never do anything fun. Let's just go and sing our hearts out," pleaded one of her guy friends.

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