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He saw her body going limp and he started rushing towards her. He only stopped because  Gran held out her hands and told him to wait.

"It is done," she said finally.

"What happened?" he asked worried strewn across his face.

"She has her powers now."

He could feel her powers vibrating from her body. She smells like a witch now too. Earthy but with the sweet perfume of Cyclamen. Cyclamens, the sacred flower of Hecate.

"Come, help me get her back to the house, she will need to rest a little and then we can head back to your grounds."

Namjoon picked Y/N's body up and carried her back to her grandmother's house.

He placed her on the bed and felt her hand grabbing his wrist as he tried to leave.

"Stay," she whispered and he stayed.

A couple of hours past by when she started stirring again. Namjoon placed his hands on her cheeks and told her that she is safe and she was in her grandmother's house.

Her grandmother walked in with a mug of tea and told her to drink from it. Her face scrunched as she swallowed the bitter content.

"Nope, still vile," she said, coughing.

Namjoon could hear the collective sigh of relief from his brothers on the other side of the wall. They were on edge the whole night worrying about their Omega. She moved forward and place her arms around his shoulders and he reciprocated. She held him in her arms for a few moments and pushed back.

"Nope, still can't hear or feel your Wolf," she said. "I thought with my powers, I would be able to hear your Wolf once again."

Namjoon laughed, "I assure you Wolf, is not too happy with that as he expected the same. I guess it will take time for that bond to heal from whatever happened to you that night."

"This sucks," she retorted and Namjoon laughed again.

"Come on in.  I know you are dying to see her," Namjoon said to the twins as he felt Jimin and Taehyung pacing excitedly outside the room.

The twins burst into the room and positioned themselves on her bed. They started chatting immediately with Jimin telling her how worried he was when she passed out in the meadow.  Namjoon saw the Hope and Jungkook at the doorway, their face lit up as they listened to the twins and Y/N's conversation. Their wolves were calm and Namjoon was content.

When he heard the news that she decided to stay and claim her powers, he was elated. He could feel that the whole pack jumping for joy. He fought so hard with his Wolf to not run to the library and take her into his embrace. Instead, he allowed Jimin to do it until his Wolf gave a warning to Jimin's Wolf not to get too comfortable.

There was excitement during the preparation of the ritual. Gran mentioned that it should be done at the new moon a time where their powers are renewed and birthed. Gran had also asked if the ritual could be done at the meadow where it would be protected from anything supernatural. Namjoon was reluctant at first but after Gran explained, he finally caved and agreed.

"I know you are still worried about the Dark Witch, Namjoon," she said, "but I assure you that we will be safe there. The meadow is protected by Hecate herself and she oversees everything that goes on there. No harm will come to my grandchild."

"Come, my child," her grandmother said as she waves her hands for Namjoon to follow her. He was amused at the fact that her grandmother calls him her child seeing that he was centuries older than her.

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