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"Mistress," the vampire named Junho walked into the room.

"WHAT!" she said glaring at Junho.

"We have a little situation out there."

"What sort of situation Junho? You have to be more specific."

"One of the guys have spotted werewolves in the area."

"No one knows about this place," she said to herself. "How did they..." she and realisation hit her face. "Damn it! Jackson!"

"Junho get a couple of your strong men and stay here with me, I will protect you with my magick, tell the rest of your men to run away as fast as the can to our meeting point in the north."

Junho bowed his head and left the room.

"It seems like your date wants to take you on a second date," Jaerin said looking at you. "But I have a surprise for him from an old friend of his."

"Oh! You feel that?" she said again. "I think he is here and he brought friends. This should be fun."

She walked back to the table and started chanting this time more urgently. You felt the tingle once again but this time it was stronger and was all over your body. It was starting to make you sick and nauseous, you made a mental note to ask your Gran why if you ever make it out alive.

There was a bitter smell in the air as it was getting darker and darker.  The lights bulbs in the room where you were in blew up and as you looked outside the window, it was getting darker and then it was pitched black.

You noticed Jaerin's sweet voice has now changed into a menacing one. It was like someone else had entered her body. Her eyes glowed red in the dark and shivers ran down your spine.

Closing your eyes, you hummed your mother's song for comfort. You couldn't see anything. As you hummed your mother's song, you realised you could feel Namjoon's Wolf and as soon his Wolf realised he could feel you, relief washed over your whole body.

"Y/N?" his Wolf asked.

"I am here," you replied assuringly.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not really."

"Explain," his Wolf demanded.

"The bitch slit my arm and took some of my blood," you replied.

"Where are you?" he asked but you could feel him so close as if he was right next to you.

"I don't really know. I am in a room with Jaerin and she is chanting something in someone's voice."

You heard a mixture of snarls and growls from the other side of the wall and you knew that the wolves have located where you are. The situation outside sounded gruesome as the wolves fought with the vampires.

Things were being thrown and you could hear the Vampires outside screaming in pain as the Wolves attacked them. From time to time you could hear one of the wolves whining and you prayed that they were not badly injured. You had the sense of urgency to comfort whoever that was hurt. You felt Namjoon's presence at the front of the room but something was stopping him from entering the room.

An arm wrapped around your neck and pulled you up to a standing position. For a person who is slightly shorter than you, Jaerin was strong. She chanted something in your ears and you lost the connection that you have to Namjoon and his Wolf. She held her dagger to your neck and dragged you across the room.

"Where are you taking me?" you yelled hoping that Namjoon could hear you.

"Shut up!" she threatens you and you could feel the cold blade from the dagger cutting deeper to your skin. Your neck felt wet as blood flowed out from the cut she just made.

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