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He heard her voice from a distance. She was reading out loud to someone.

"Is someone with her today?" he thought and he crept up quietly behind one of the trees.

She was alone but who was she reading to?

He loved her voice. It flowed out like honey on a sore throat. Soothing and sweet. He felt his Wolf was calmer. He hadn't felt his Wolf this calm in a long time. He has been visiting her dreams for a long time. He watched her grow up.

He stumbled into her dream by chance. His Wolf heard the cries of a little girl in the meadow calling for her mother. He never appeared in front of her though. He was always at the edge of the forest always in the shadows.

After a few years, the girl was calmer and was "happier" and her visits to the meadow were less.

She appears from time to time and Namjoon and his wolf were always there when she does.

She somewhat knew that he was there. One day, she spoke out and said, "I know that you are there. I don't know what you are and I won't hurt you but you are safe with me."

He had to muffle a huff. "As if she could do us any harm," his Wolf thought.

It was only recently that he started to show himself.

"She isn't afraid of us," his Wolf asked. "Why?"

His Wolf was curious and when he stepped out of the shadow and walked towards her, there was no sign of fear on her face.

When she made eye contact with his Wolf and held her gaze, his Wolf was surprised that she was able to resist submission. Odd. His Wolf thought, but his Wolf was a little agitated and frustrated with the defiance. Namjoon, however, found it amusing.

"I am my own person, wolf," you heard her say and his Wolf huffed and stalked closer to her. She then leaned forward with her hands out as if asking permission to touch but she was suddenly pulled out of her dream.

This dream that he was in now,  was different though. This time, Namjoon knew who she was. He knew her name.

".....The drive wound away in front of me, twisting and turning as it had always done, but as I advanced I was aware that a change had come upon it; it was narrow and unkempt, not the drive that we had known..." she continued reading.

Before he could do anything, Namjoon's Wolf decided to step out of the shadows and started circling the girl. He could feel her smile behind her book. She was amused by his Wolf.

"I am not afraid of you, Wolf," she said as she put down her book and looked straight at his Wolf.

Namjoon's Wolf was annoyed at the eye contact. "How dare she look at me in the eye and not submit to me," he growled.

"Stop asking me to submit to you, Wolf," she said again. "I am my own person."

His Wolf let out a huge huff and flicked his tail in annoyance. "Watch it, Wolf," Namjoon reminded his Wolf.

She held her hands out again.

Namjoon stopped in his tracks. "Let me try something," he told his Wolf.

Namjoon looked at Y/N with his Icy Blue eyes.

"Y/N," he said.

Her eyes grew bigger as her hand flew to cover her mouth in shock.


"Joon, what are we doing here?," whispered Jimin bringing Namjoon back to reality. "This is like the fourth day we have been following this girl around."

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