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"SHIT!" Namjoon said as soon as he woke up.

"Joon, you ok?" he heard JK's voice next to him.

"How long was I out?"

JK looked at his watch, "About an hour. Give or take. Did you find her? Did you find Y/N?"

"Yes," he said as he rubbed his eyes. "But I lost her again. Someone must have woken her up from her sleep."


"Is JB back from the hunt? I can feel the rest close by."

JK nodded his head. "They came back about 15 minutes ago. JB wanted to talk to you but Jimin told him to wait for a little while you look for Y/N."

"Thanks, JK," Namjoon said rubbing his face. "Let's go find JB and the rest of his pack. I need to ask him something."

Namjoon walked into JB's den. He saw that most of JB's pack were there and the rest of his brothers.

JB bowed his head at Namjoon as he sat on one of the empty spots in the den.

"Did you find Y/N?" JB asked.

Namjoon shook his head. "I don't know exactly where she is but I know she is close. She mentioned something about a cave that no one can find easily? She said that it's always dark and wet."

JB looked at the rest of his pack searching for answers. His packmates shook their head.

"We can't think of any place like that," JB replied. "Was there anything else that she mentioned?"

"Yes, Jaerin."

"Jaerin?" Jackson piped up. "But you said Jaerin was dead. You smelt her death at Y/N's house."

"That is what we thought too. You said Jaerin was a Light Witch right?"

"Yes, she came to us offering her help as a healer and when we did our checks, she came from a family of Light Witches who has lived in the area for generations. We accepted her help and she helps us with the young wolves that come into our pack."

"And there was no indication of her wanting to dabble in dark magick?"

JB shook his head and looked at his packmates. They all shook their heads as well.

They were all discussing the possibilities of the whereabouts when Jackson piped up.

"Wait, I know the place that Y/N is talking about,"  and twelve pairs of eyes looked at him.

"I remember once, a long time ago, when I first joined the pack. She took me to an area near the mountains to the north when I was still trying to learn how to control my Wolf. This cave is a little hidden because large trees have grown in front of the entrance. She used to make me go hunting and bring her back my catches. I didn't realise it at the time but every time I get hurt, she would take a few drops of my blood in a vial and then heal me. She said she needed the blood so she could heal me better. I was so stupid!" Jackson continued. "It didn't occur to me at the time that she needed my blood for Dark Magick. I feel so stupid!"

"Jackson," JB said in a soft tone comforting the youngest member of his pack, "It is not your fault. I should have known better because I should have sniffed her out but she hid it so well, even I did not know she was a Dark Witch."

"She faked her death?" Jinyoung, another one of JB's packmate asked.

"It seems like it," Namjoon said.

"How the hell did she manage to do that?" Jin asked. "I was there, the earth was humming."

"I don't know how she did it but she definitely had help from someone more powerful than her because to hide dark magick and tricking werewolves, is not an easy thing to do. I know only of one witch that could do that," Namjoon replied.

His brothers looked at him knowingly.

"Jackson, do you still remember how to get to the cave?" Namjoon spoke again before his brothers could ask him more questions.

"It's been a while since I have been up there but yes, I still remember the way."

"Good, we leave, now," Namjoon stood up and walked towards the door.

He waited for his brothers and the rest of JB's pack to change into their wolves before he motioned for Jackson's Wolf to lead the way. He ran next to Jackson and JB positioned himself on the other side of his packmate. JB was protecting the youngest of his pack and rightly so. Namjoon felt the powers of his brothers coursing through their pack bond and they were ready to kill who or whatever that got in their way tonight.

Namjoon's whole body tingled as he entered the dense woods. Dark Magick was present and a strong one at that. He felt a sudden pang of pain through the pack bond and he checked on his brothers. He thought one of them was hurt but they were alright and then he realised, it was not one of his brothers but it was her! He picked up the pace.

"She is hurt," his Wolf growled.

"Yes," Namjoon answered.

"Kill Jaerin," his Wolf said again this time his voice darker.

"Joon, we are close," he heard JB's voice.

"Tell your pack to block off the parameters of the area and watch for stragglers.  Kill any vampires that get away. Don't let anyone of them live."

"Got it," JB replied.

"I need you to be to come with us since this is your land and you are the link to your pack," Namjoon said again to JB and JB's Wolf nodded in agreement.

"JK, Hope and Jin, I need you to flush out the vampires that are in there. I think there are going to be more of them than us, so kill as many as you can, if any of them escape you guys, JB's packmates would sweep them up before they can get out of this area."

"YES! These bastards are going to pay!" JK's Wolf said enthusiastically.

"Jimin, Tae, I want you to come with me. I know she would have one of her strongest vampires guarding Y/N so I need to both of you to get rid of them and then I will go after the Witch. Be careful though, she may have a few tricks up her sleeves."

"Yep!"   the twins said at the same time.

They were close to the mouth of the cave and Namjoon could feel her. She was alright but she was in pain.

"Wow, looks like Jaerin has been using this place for a long time," Taehung said. "I can feel Magick Joon, be careful."

As they enter the cave, there stood a little house with a little herb garden surrounding it.

"Watch for Wolfsbane," Namjoon warned the Twins. "She might have it around the house."

Namjoon walked around the back of the house where he could feel her the strongest. He could hear her breathing raggedly and he could smell the fear coming from her.

"She is still alive," he said to himself. "A little hurt and scared."

The place was eerily quiet and dark. He could hear the vampires' chatter from time to time. They were getting restless as they have not fed in days. Namjoon tried to catch Jaerin's scent but she concealed her scent well. He needed to find a way to get in the house quickly.

All of a sudden, the whole area was pitched black. It was as if someone had put blindfolds on them.

"I think we just told them that we are here," Jimin said.

"Jimin, Tae, you ok?" Namjoon asks via their pack bond.

"Yes, but we can't see," Taehyung replied.

"Use your nose."

"Yep!" Jimin said and then Namjoon heard him snarl.

Namjoon crouched down lower to the ground because he knew what was going to happen next.

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