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You watched as the beautiful Grey wolf slowly walked towards you. You somehow felt safe around him. Him. You didn't know if the wolf was male or female but it felt "male".

He was now circling you as you sat in the meadow. His gaze never leaving yours. His icy blue eyes was mesmerising You looked him in the eye and you felt that tug to look away but you didn't. Looking away meant that you were submitting to him but you were not someone that easily submit to anyone and definitely not to an animal.

You could feel that the wolf was frustrated and a little agitated with the refusal to submit to him but somehow he was also amused with your defiance.

"I am my own person, wolf," you said to the wolf as if he would understand you.  

The wolf huffed as if he was laughing, and he sat in front of you. Close enough for you to realise how big he was but far enough that you didn't feel intimidated by him.

You leaned forward with your hands out to see if he would accept a pat from you but he suddenly got up from his sitting position and ran at full speed back into the forest as if heeding a call from someone.

"YN! YN! Wake up! It's time for work" you heard a voice called from above.

You opened your eyes and saw your dad standing at the door.  He was now flicking the lights on and off and laughing.

"Urgh! Dad! Ok. Ok. I am up. Happy?" you grunted.

" Yes...... " he sang as he walked into the kitchen.

Your mind was still buzzing from the dream that you just had. It wasn't the first time that you dreamt about the Grey Wolf.  You have had dreams about the Grey Wolf since you were a child, usually he kept his distance but lately, he has started to appear more and more in your dreams.  Your dreams were now also so vivid that you sometimes, you could feel the flick of his tail or when he huffs.

You walked into the kitchen to find that your Dad and brother had laid out a surprise for you.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!" they both yelled with their arms wide open. You blushed and rolled your eyes at the fuss that they were making.

"Dad, don't you think that I am too old to celebrate birthdays?" you asked.

"Stop talking nonsense. You are never too old to celebrate birthdays," your dad answered as he gave you a hug. "Happy birthday sweetness. What have you planned today besides work? I hope you are going out with your friends and not sit in your room with your books again."

"Dad," you whined. "I love books ok. They keep me sane."

"But you work in a LIBRARY," he emphasised on the word Library. "Don't you want to go out with real people and not those in your fictional world?"

You rolled your eyes at him.

"I am late! Thank you for the cake and breakfast," you said as you got up from your seat.  You kissed him on the cheeks and said goodbye to your brother who was getting ready to go to his classes.

"And yes, I do have plans with my friends tonight Dad! I won't be home for dinner, alright," you added as you put on your shoes and walked out the door.

"That's my girl," you heard him reply.

The day flew by quickly at work. All day long colleagues came by your desk to wish you a happy birthday and asked if you had plans for the day. 

Honestly, your ideal way to spend your birthday was to spend reading the latest novel at your favourite spot in the library all day but instead, you agreed to go out with your friends from University, whom you have not seen in a while, and celebrate it with them.

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