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The smell of bacon woke you up from your sleep, your stomach growling from hunger. You rubbed your eyes confused when you saw that the ceiling was not the ceiling of your bedroom. You then remember that you were at your grandmother's home.

You walked sleepily into the kitchen and was greeted by your grandmother and a young man, sitting comfortably on the kitchen table. You instinctively pulled your t-shirt down and eyed your grandmother, who didn't seem to be bothered by the man sitting on her kitchen table.

Casually you walked up to your grandmother and whispered, "Who is the guy gran?"

"A guest," she replied.

The guest turned around from his seat and looked at you and smiled. You felt heat and blood rushing to your face and you turned around and faced the opposite direction.

You heard your grandmother snickered at your side.

"Is she trying to matchmake me with this guy?" you thought.

"Namjoon is a friend of the family," she said and turned you around.

"Funny, I have never heard his name before," you thought again. "If he was a friend of the family, why haven't I heard about him before this?"

"We haven't seen him in a long while," your grandmother continued, "but he has finally found out where I live."

You faced Namjoon who was now smiling even brighter. You noticed his dimples on his left cheeks. "Cute," you thought. "I have seen him somewhere before."

"Come, children, let us eat breakfast and we will then take a walk in the forest to look for herbs that I need for this recipe that I want to try," she ushered you to the table and gave you a plate of food.

"I don't think I am dressed to go for a walk in the forest, gran," you protested.

"Nonsense child, you have all you need in the wardrobe in your room," she replied. "It's such a nice day to walk in the forest, don't you think so Namjoon?"

Namjoon nodded his head.

The three of you ate your breakfast in silence but you saw the amusement in your grandmother's face. It was like she is enjoying the awkwardness between yourself and Namjoon.

Namjoon. Where have you seen him before? Was it from work? You don't have an active social life so meeting him at a bar or at a club seems far fetched. This is going to annoy you the whole day.

"Here, drink this," your grandmother pushed a mug of the same tea she gave you yesterday.

"Gran," you started to protest but the moment you saw her face, you drank the tea without saying anything further.

You gave her the mug and she walked to the kitchen sink.

"That tasted vile," you said under your breath.

Namjoon chuckled, "I can see that."

You looked at him. Shocked by the sound of his voice. You heard it before, once. You gasped out loud as you came to the realisation of who he was. You stood up from the chair and walked backwards.

"Don't be scared, my darling," your grandmother said as she rubbed your shoulders. "I said he was a family friend."

"Wait," you struggled to get the words out. "You were the one who was at the restaurant that night weren't you?"

Namjoon nodded.

"But you didn't speak that night. But I have heard your voice before in my dream. How? What?" you looked at your grandmother and then at Namjoon and then at your grandmother again.

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