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Somewhere in the Himalayas

"Is she here?" Hwasa looked up from her book as one of her aides slipped into her chambers.

"Yes, Mistress. She is here. She asked to see you immediately," her aide replied.

"Good.  Bring her in."

Hwasa's aide gave her a bow and walked towards the door.  He opened the door and motion for someone to come into the room.

In walked a young maiden, slim built with black longish black hair with eyes blue as the deepest ocean. She bowed at Hwasa gently not making eye contact with her.

"My child," Hwasa said as she asked the maiden to rise. "I heard from the Alpha of your pack that you have volunteered to do this for me. I commend you for that," the maiden nodded her head, still not making eye contact with her. Hwasa noted that she smelt of fear "If you are successful, your pack's alliance with my coven will be much stronger."

The maiden bowed again.

"Wheein, see to it that this beautiful maiden's needs are met and get her ready for the rituals," Hwasa said to her female aide to her left. "This will need to be done on the night of the new moon when my powers are at its strongest."

"Yes, Mistress," Wheein replied and walked up to the maiden and ushered her out of the room.

"Do you think it will work?" asked Yeesung, who was also in the room with Hwasa.

"I will make sure that it will this time," Hwasa replied, determined. "We need the blood from the Hecate's bloodline to resurrect Medea."

"You tried and failed twice, Hwasa," Yeesung reminded her.

Hwasa gave Yeesung a side glance and Yeesung jerked and clutched at his heart. It felt as if someone had grabbed his heart and squeezed it tightly. He had difficulties breathing and was turning blue.

"I don't need to be reminded of that, who knew the Witch could transfer her powers to her daughter.  When the Fates gave her a son, I was delighted to know that the Hecate bloodline will end with her and thus the curse on my bloodline but nevermind, I will get her blood no matter what and the wolves, is just a roadblock that could easily be removed."

"Yes, Mistress," Yeesung agreed still breathless from the pain that she caused. "I will see to it that it is successful this time."


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