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"Ok. So I am a witch, now does that make you a Wizard?" she turned her attention to him.

Namjoon let out a cough. Startled with her question.  He was listening intently to her Grandmother tell her their history that he had forgotten that he was actually there with them. It all seemed like a dream.

"God no," Namjoon snorted. "Well technically yes and no."

"So what are you exactly and how are you able to appear in my dreams?"

"I can dream walk," he said matter of factly.

"What do you mean dream walk?" she asked again.

"It means I can walk into people's dream," he replied.


Her grandmother nodded her head at Namjoon encouraging him to tell her his side of the story.

"It is your story to tell, Wolf," she said.

"Wolf?" she asked again.

"I am... a werewolf," Namjoon said.

"You mean the Grey wolf in my dream, that's you?"

Namjoon nodded his head.

"I thought werewolves only change into wolf form during the full moon," she said talking to herself.

"That is what we like humans to think, but no, we can change whenever. It is less painful to change during the full moon but we can change whenever we wish to."

"Do all of you walk into dreams? Because that would be creepy."

Namjoon smiled and saw her blushing. She was even more beautiful when she blushed, he thought.

"No, so far, I think I am the only one that can walk into dreams."

"Why?" she asked.

"You are so curious aren't you?" Namjoon said.

"I like to know how things work. Always have and I am guessing, always will."

He smiled and again she blushed. He realised he like making her blush.

"I don't know why I can walk into dreams. I just know that I can. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember."

"So exactly how old are you?" she asked him again, now squinting her eyes.

"Old enough to know how the world works."

She tsked.

"I don't measure time as humans do."

"You are telling me that you are immortal?"

"I guess you can say that."

"A man with very little words," she commented as she pouts.

God, she was beautiful, he thought. For some reason or another, Namjoon felt the urge to protect her with every fibre of his being. He had never felt something like this before and he is beginning to ask questions himself.

Why is he feeling protective of her? She was not a wolf and have not submitted to him but the urge to protect her is really strong. He would need to find answers soon.  Namjoon didn't like the idea of not knowing. He will need to speak to his brothers about this and soon.

"Namjoon is," her grandmother paused, "special."

"How special are we talking about?" she eyed him sideways.

How much does she need to know? He wondered. Not many knew of his origin story. Apart from his brothers, none of the werewolves in his pack know how he came about to be one of the most powerful Alphas in the world. How much would he let her know?

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