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"A date?" you asked the man who was sitting across from you on the sofa. "You want to go on a date with me?"

You thought you could hear Hope giggling on the other side of the wall.

"Yes," he said. "I have been wanting to ask you out officially for a while now but things happened you know?"

"Namjoon, I...," you started saying.

"There is something going on between us, Y/N, and I can feel it. For me to deny my feelings for you would make me feel wrong," he said cutting you off.

"You sure you want to do this and not your Wolf?" you said placing your hands on his chest.

He placed his hands above yours and breathe in deeply. "Yes, I am doing this because, I, Kim Namjoon wants to go out on a date with you."

You contemplated for a few minutes. This time you knew you could hear laughter from outside the room. His Brothers were listening in. You felt blood rush to your face.

"Yes, ok," you said.

"Great. How about I pick you up from your house on Saturday and we can go somewhere nice.  Somewhere far from here and far away from my Brothers' ears."

"I'd like that very much," you said quietly.


Date night.

You have not been on a proper date in a very long time. You couldn't even remember the name of the last guy you went out on a date with. You spent the whole Saturday getting ready for your date.

Namjoon didn't tell you anything much about the date when you asked him only telling you to dress comfortably, like as if you knew what that meant. When you pressed him for more details, he gave you the same answer. His brothers' were not much help at all too. You guessed that Namjoon had ordered them not to give you any details.

You cornered Jimin yesterday and he just cupped your face with his hands and said that you would have the best date in your life. "Gee thanks, Jimin," you said defeated.

"Don't worry Y/N," giving you one of his cheeky smiles, "I am sure Joon will take everything into consideration. Don't think too much about it Y/N. You will have a good time.  Just enjoy the moment."

Your doorbell rang as you put your sneakers on. "That's casual enough," you thought.

You breathe a sigh of relief when you saw Namjoon, who usually is dressed in suits and smartly, was dressed down in just jeans and an oversized hoodie. Fantastic.

"Hi Namjoon," you said as you invited him in.

"Joon. Call me Joon from now on. It's...less formal," he smiled his dimpled smile at you and you felt your heart beating faster.

"Ok," you replied. "So where are we going?"

"I was thinking we could have a casual dinner in one of my favourite restaurants in the city and then maybe a stroll or a bike ride down the river?"

"We are not going to Sidewinders are we?" you asked hoping that his favourite restaurant isn't one that he owned.

"No, it's a small family run restaurant," he replied. "We use to go there before we opened Sidewinders."

Namjoon held out his hands for you as he walked you to his car. You reciprocated by holding his hands.

The whole night went by quickly, you thought. Namjoon brought you to one of his famous bbq joints. The owners of the restaurant seem to know him well and had both of you sitting in a quiet spot away from the other customers.  It was as if both of you had the whole restaurant to yourself. You both laughed and shared your stories. He told you about the time that Jungkook had a love spell cast on him by one of the Fae Creatures who was deeply in love with him and that they had a hard time finding the Fae Creature because apparently, the Fae's are hard to track down because of their glamour.

After dinner, Namjoon asked if you would like to walk by the river and you agreed. The whole time walking, he had wrapped his arms around your shoulder to pull you closer to him. Both of you walk in silence and once again you realised how comfortable it was.

You realised that although Namjoon was a man with very little words and is very serious, he actually isn't. He is one of the gentlest and kind-hearted person you ever know and though he would probably glare at you and his brothers, you know that he has a soft spot that is shaped just like you in his heart.

The end. Or maybe?

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