Chapter 1: Reality

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After waking up from the world that was Aincrad inside the VRMMORPG game Sword Art Online Y/N L/N or his gamer tag Shi had to learn how to live in the real world once again. Things were weird to say the least many things had changed.

During his time asleep Y/N's oldest sister Natalie had graduated from college and had given birth to a baby girl. However Natalie's husband was one of few who volunteered to go into SAO and find a way out. Sadly he didn't make it and Natalie and her daughter moved back into their parents home.

His sister Tai she had become region champion and continental high school judo champion. Tai was also a quarter finalist in the kendo championship tying with Sugoha Kirigaya. When the news of her brother and sister ended up staying home with her parents to be there for them. She regrets not being able to save her younger siblings and is now very protective of her brother.

Unlike Y/N Mika was one of many who were unable to wake up after the clearing of the death game. In total 300 players did not wake up after Y/N and Kirito cleared the game. After trading information about what had happened inside of the death game with the ministry of of internal affairs SAO incident task force to learn this. Almost every day Y/N goes to the hospital to see Mika.

People say that the reason for the 300 people not waking up was the fault of Akihiko Kayaba. Kayaba had mysteriously gone missing after the SAO servers shut down. Y/N knew deep down that Kayaba had nothing to do with it. People just needed someone or something to blame. Y/N didn't care for the reason why all he wanted was his sister back.

But to say all things were bad would be a lie actually not every thing was bad. During rehab to regain his strength and muscles Y/N ran into the love of his life Lisbeth. Shinozaki Rika or Lisbeth was one of the lucky few who survived and who managed to wake up. Her and Y/N reunited during their rehab and physical therapy. When they met again it was like the first time they confessed their feelings for one another.

Then on the therapy and the questions weren't so bad anymore as long as they had each other. Y/N's mother and father were glad to know that Y/N had found a partner to share his feelings with. However things were another story with Y/N and Rika's "daughter" Nilo. Turns out Nilo was her real name and right now she was living in an orphanage.

Nilo as predicted woke up from the game not having any parents. In truth she did have a grandmother but in the 2 years of being trapped she died. Now Nilo's only living relative was an aunt on her mother's side. That was a whole different battle being held. Nilo's aunt didn't much care for her niece and wanted nothing to do with Nilo. That is the reason for Nilo being left in the orphanage.

You'd think it would be easy getting Nilo but when he aunt heard that there would be money from taking care of her and money going to those who's family died in Sword Art Online. Nilo didn't want to live with her aunt she wanted to live with her mommy and daddy. That only angered the aunt more because it made things harder. Thanks to Y/N's contact in the SAO incident task force Nilo's adoption was being delayed for as long as possible.

His contact was also able to arrange visitations between Y/N and Rika with Nilo. The two months of visits were excellent for Nilo. She truly never got over the deaths of her real parents and still clung to Y/N and Rika. The aunt used this to her advantage she'd convince Nilo that the two teens weren't her parents. This would be a continuous struggle for Y/N he wasn't as strong as he used to be so this fight wasn't going to be easy.

Most people would think that things would become easier now that the nightmare was over. But things were never that easy and the nightmare wasn't over. Until Miko and the other remaining players woke up SAO was not over.

Y/N knew this so during his rehab Y/N did extra training. All he needed was to find out how to save his sister. There had to be a way to do it. Y/N would do anything he could no matter what. However Y/N doesn't know that the day will be coming sooner than he thinks. Will Y/N be able to once again put on the nerve gear and save his sister. Y/N's will is going to be tested harder then it has before. Are you ready to see Y/N to go on one more adventure and finally end SAO forever

A/N: Alright readers it is finally here the first chapter of the new season of the Hidden Player. This new season is called the Land of the Fairies. I will try my very best to try and make it as long as the first season of the Hidden Player. But there are no promises being made as of right now. I am thinking to extend the chapters to the first movie. Even if the first half of the movie is basically them explaining what happened during the first two arcs. I have already began to write and set up certain plot points for this story so be ready. I am interested in finding out what you think about the situation with Nilo what do you think will happen with that. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later and hope you are excited to read this

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