Extra 4: The One Who Consumes

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Unknown Location


After finally collecting both the Celgja and the Gjöll I was ready to complete my special quest. Along the way I did run into Kami the Lycan fairy and the Nymph fairy who somehow knew who I was. That would be something I would find out later but for right now I needed to focus on completing this quest. I discovered that when I put the Celgja and Gjöll together something strange happened. The Celgja became a rope of some sort and tied itself around the Gjöll.

Soon after that had happened an NPC entered our shop and handed me a map to a secret location. Rika suggested that I wait before I headed off out to the middle of nowhere where no one has ever been before. I took her advice and decided to look over the map while also get ready for the journey. Rika suggested that I take Kirito or someone else with me. I told her that Kirito was busy and I didn't want to drag anyone along with me for something they weren't prepared for.

Rika understood and gave me a kiss before I left. Nilo also gave me a hug and a kiss while also wishing me good luck. The map pointed to an unknown area near a mountain that was the tallest in all of ALO. It wasn't located in any territory in fact it was a large border. No one could fly over the mountain or go through it. My guess was that since I had the special quest things would be different for me.

Right away when I arrived at the location of the mountain I passed through a snowy forest. Among the trees were old ruins that looked like Viking statues. I found one of a dude fighting a giant wolf. I continued to see more statues and monuments depicting battles. They were very eerie especially the one with a giant demon destroying a city. Out of the woods I came upon the mountain. Right away I noticed two large stone doors that looked like they were carved into the mountain.

I walked up to the doors and noticed that there was a carving above the door. There was snow and frost covering it but I was able to see what looked like a wolf head. Above the wolf head was a word written in another language that I couldn't read. It the language looked old Norse and I was not fluent in it.

In the center of the door right in front of me was a place to put a hand

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In the center of the door right in front of me was a place to put a hand. It looked like a door lock that only I could happen. I decided to put my hand in it and when I did a message popped up asking me if I was ready to enter to cell of the one who will devour the all father. I pressed the "yes" button and the doors began to open slowly. Before I entered I felt the presence of something watching me. It didn't smell like a monster it smelt like something else. I guess I would have to be on my guard for anything.

Time Skip

I walked through a long pathway that was lit by torches. Along the walls I could see carvings on the wall. The carvings all depicted all of these events. From the looks of them these events looked horrible. I saw battles and blood also people dying. It looked like the end of the world. A giant snake eating a guy with hammer. There was one with a giant wolf eating another guy on a horse. It looked like the full version of the stone walls I saw outside.

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