Chapter 16: The World Tree

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Y/N's Home


I had gotten home after Rika and I hung out with Nilo at the aquarium. It was fun Nilo got to see all of the fish. She loved looking at the penguins. Nilo got lucky and was given permission to feed them. I'd never seen look so happy before I enjoyed seeing her happy. Some bystanders were talking about how Rika was a bit young to be a mother. They also talked about us being married or not. I didn't really care what they said neither did Rika. It was weird when we weren't dating and weren't married back in SAO. Now it didn't honestly bother me at all.

When we left the aquarium we found a park to go and eat lunch at. I had boughten us some sandwiches at the store and something to drink. Nilo had said that mine and aunty Asuna's cooking was better. Rika and I laughed at the little girl I mean she wasn't wrong. Then Nilo began to ask about Asuna and Mika. It was hard for us to explain to her what was going on but I wasn't going to lie to her. So I simply told Nilo that they hadn't woken up yet. I couldn't explain why they didn't wake up to her but I did tell her that I and her uncle were doing all we could to wake them up.

Before it started to get late Rika and took Nilo back to home. At first she fought us on the bus but later she got tired. Rika rubbed her back and hummed to her. We when got to the home miss Shino was waiting for us. She thanked us for brining Nilo back on time. We thanked her for letting us have Nilo then she went back inside. I asked Rika if she wanted me to take her home. Before she answered I had gotten a text from Kirito.

"It's him isn't it?" she asked I sighed "sorry" I said apologizing. "Don't worry you'll be able to make up for lost time when their home" Rika said. "I know it's just that..." I tried to say before Rika kissed me. "Get going I'll call my mom and tell her you had a family emergency" Rika said pushing me away. I quickly texted Kirito that I'd be on soon then I ran all the way home.

When I got home I startled my mom she asked why I was all out of breath I told her that I ran home. I wasn't able to listen to her as I ran to my room and locked the door. I took out my nervegear and laid down on my bed. I plugged the nervegear in and put it on my head. I laid back and logged in "link start".

ALO: City Of Alne

I logged in at the same time at the same time as Kirito. Leafa had logged on before us. We all had logged off prior to the service announcement for the game's maintenance. Right away Kirito and I noticed that Leafa was very upset. "Hey there Leafa you don't look so good" I said to her. "Yeah Shi is right if you aren't up to it we can go to the World Tree by ourselves" Kirito told her.

Leafa wiped away her tears "no guys I'm fine let's get a move on" she said. "No it's not fine" I said "please tell us what's wrong" Kirito said. Leafa began to cry "it's that I'm heartbroken, I love someone who loves another I though that if I came here I'd get over it" Leafa said. "This is just a game I don't feel that I should lay all my problems on you two" Leafa told us. Kirito hugged Leafa "wether or not it's a videogame or the real world you can cry whenever" he told her. "Listen Leafa we are humans and we need to show emotion to make ourselves feel better you can't bottle it up or act like they don't exist" I told her.

After that Leafa cried some more into Kirito's shoulder some more. When she finally had let out all of her emotions she was ready to go. She thanked us for listening to her and helping her get through this. We told her that it wasn't a problem she was a friend someone important to us we weren't going to let he face that alone.

Time Skip

When we left the inn and began walking to the entrance to the World Tree. Right away Kirito and I noticed players of every race in the city. They all were talking and hanging out with one another. This was strange to us we thought the races didn't exactly like all of each other. "Hey Leafa why is everyone friendly with each other?" I asked. "Well you see Shi Alne is at the center of the world it's neutral territory and all of the races gather here to be at peace they trade with and help out one another" Leafa explained.

After some more walking we could see the World Tree in front of us. We were in awe at the sight of the tree it was a lot bigger then we had imagined. "So how do you think we can get up there?" I asked. "We could try climbing it or maybe fly to the top" Kirito said. "Sorry guys but the climbing area is an off limits zone and reaching the top by flying is impossible because of the flight limit" Leafa told us.

I sighed "what a bummer, why can't things be easy?" I asked. "Hey what about that group of players and that stunt they pulled?" Kirito asked. "Yeah didn't they make it to the base of the tree?" I asked. "Yeah the GM's were really scared after they did that so they added a patch that made it impossible to fly to the top of the World Tree" Leafa explained. "Well that sucks guess we can't do that" I said. "I guess we have to fight the guardians instead" Kirito said.

After that we continued to walk to the World Tree. We had gotten somewhat close when Yui suddenly sensed something. "Mommy" was all she said "wait Yui what did you say?" I asked "I said mommy I sensed mommy" Yui answered. "Where is she Yui?" Kirito asked Yui pointed to the World Tree "up there" she answered.

Kirito then made his wings and flew off at incredible speeds. "Hey what's going on?" Leafa asked "let me explain later I need to catch up to him" I answered. "Leafa stand back" I told her she did as my wings appeared. "Gods of fire give me the speed I ask for: Flame Overdrive" I chanted. Suddenly blasts of flames appeared from my hands and feet making me go extremely fast.

I raced through the city trying to catch up to Kirito who was almost to the tree. "Slow down will you" I tried to say to Kirito who wasn't listening. "Don't hurt yourself" I tried to say "can't have to save Asuna" Kirito said. Soon Kirito went up into the air. He continued to up and up until he hit the barrier. When he couldn't get through the first time he tried ramming into it again and again. There was still no luck his wings began to fade. I needed to get to him fast before he did something stupid.

A/N: Sorry for leaving you here readers I know you want more but trust me there will be more. The series is coming to a close then I'll be starting GGO. I still haven't decided if I want to have the Excalibur arc and Mother's Rosario arc be in the GGO book or have it be a separate one. I'll will figure it out eventually. I promise you all there will be plenty of action next chapter. I am always answering any questions you readers may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better than the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later

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