Chapter 15: Secrets Of The World Tree

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Y/N, Kirito and Leafa had finally managed to make it to the city of Alne. The three of them were admiring the sites until the system announced that the severs would be going through a scheduled maintenance and that game would be shut down. It then asked all of the players to log out as soon as possible.

Heading the warning Leafa suggested that they should all find an inn to stay at while the game went through maintenance. Kirito asked that it not be to expensive as he was broke. Y/N said that he was also broke so the less expensive the better.

Leafa laughed at the two and said that it was their own faults they were broke. Leafa said that if they hadn't shown of to Sakuya and Alicia like that then they would have money still. Leafa then asked Yui if there were any cheap inns around. Yui pointed one out to them and the three then left to the inn.

World Tree

We now find Asuna out of her cage now exploring the branch paths of the World Tree. She is looking for something to help her escape so she can find Kirito and report Sugou's crimes to the authorities. Eventually Asuna came across a cave like entrance. Inside of the cave was a large metal door with a keypad. When Asuna touched the keypad it made a noise frightening her causing her to run and hide. After a few seconds Asuna peeked out and saw that the door opened and it revealed a brightly lit  hallway.

Real World: Y/N's Home

In the real world at the home of Y/N we see him getting ready for the day. When he's finished getting dressed he goes down to the kitchen where his sister's Tai and Natalie with his niece Yami. "Good morning little bro you look tired" Natalie said to Y/N. "Yeah Y/N you do look tired how long did you stay up?" Tai asked. Y/N let out a yawn "4:00 in the morning" he answered. "You shouldn't be staying up that late the body needs at least 8 hours of REM sleep" Natalie said.

Y/N chuckled at his older sister's statement. "What's so funny? this isn't a laughing matter" Natalie asked "how long did you stay up while studying for tests in college?" Y/N asked. Natalie was silent "he's got you there sis" Tai said eating her fruit.

"I made you something uncle" Yami said handing Y/N a bracelet. "It looks awesome kiddo I'm going to wear it all day today" Y/N said pinching the little girls cheeks causing her to giggle. Y/N then went over to sink and got himself a cup of water.

"So Y/N what are you doing today" Tai asked. "Oh I'm meeting up with Rika we're going to go hangout with Nilo for awhile" Y/N answered. "That's good you two haven't really hung out that much" Tai said. "Well yeah between her going to that special school and me trying to get Nilo we've been busy" Y/N replied. "Hopefully you and Rika get that little girl she needs a family who doesn't want her only for money" Natalie said.

Y/N chuckled lightly "yeah be careful the witch can hear you talking bad about her" he said. The girls laughed at Y/N's comment about Nilo's evil aunt. Y/N got a text from Rika saying that she was leaving now. Y/N texted back saying he was on his way. "Alright ladies I am leaving text me what we are doing for dinner and I will be back soon" Y/N said. "Bye bye uncle" Yami said smiling and waving at Y/N "love ya" his sisters said "see ya" Y/N said leaving.

ALO: World Tree

Back in of ALO inside of the World Tree we see Asuna walking through the hallway cautiously. She is still trying to find a way out until she comes across a map. Asuna examined the map and tried to find a way out. She was trying to find where the console to log out was. Eventually Asuna came across a room labeled as Experiment Room. That made Asuna remember what Sugou had said before about the SAO survivors. Immediately Asuna began to run off to where the Experiment Room was.

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