Chapter 22: Game Over

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Y/N's Room


The battle was over and Sugou had been defeated once and for all. After freeing Asuna, Mika and the others from their prison Y/N and Kazuto logged off after having one last meeting with the man who helped them with this battle Akihiko Kayaba. With the world seed in hand and the day won both Y/N and Kazuto logged out of ALO.

Y/N awoke to see both his sister Tai and Natalie watching over him intensely. "Is it over?" Tai asked "did you win?" Natalie asked. "Yeah it's over Mika and my friend are free as are the others" Y/N answered. Both sisters hugged Y/N tightly "ouch hey take it easy" Y/N said. Both sisters let go "we're sorry" Tai said "yeah we didn't mean to hurt you" Natalie said.

Y/N lifted up his shirt to see what looked like multiple stab wounds in his side and one right in his chest. The places where Suguha stabbed him in ALO. "What happened?" Tai asked "yeah are those why your tossed around?" Natalie asked. Y/N not wanting to worry his sisters told them not to worry about it. "Look I have a feeling something is going to happen I need to get to the hospital" Y/N said getting up from the bed. "Wait you can't go it's snowing outside" Natalie said trying to stop him.

Tai put her hand on her older sister's shoulder "let him go Y/N needs to check up on Mika and make sure his friend is okay" Tai told her. "Alright then go hero" Natalie said getting out of the way of Y/N. Y/N hugged both of his sisters and grabbed his jacket leaving the room. "Hey if mom and dad ask where I'm at say I'm just going on a walk or something" Y/N told them peeking his head back in the room before finally leaving.

Y/N grabbed his bike from the shed and took it to the front of the house. Like Natalie had said it was indeed snowing and it was cold outside. Y/N hopped on his bike and began to ride towards the hospital as fast as he could.

Time Skip



I peddled all the way to the hospital I ignored the cold and kept thinking about how Mika would wake up and I wasn't there. Then there was something else that was bothering me Sugou Nobuyuki wasn't one to just give up so easily. A man with nothing to lose is someone to be afraid of. As I got closer and closer to the hospital I could see the light coming from a street lamp in the parking lot of the hospital.

When I pulled into the parking lot I saw two people by a car under a street lamp. One of the people was hunched over and had a knife in his hand. The other person was on the ground and had blood coming from his arm. Right away I recognized the two people they were Kazuto and Sugou. I don't know what happened I instantly acted on my own. I went full speed on my bike and charged at Sugou who was going to kill my friend.

"Kazuto I'm coming!!!" I yelled as I jumped off my bike and punched Sugou in the face. He tried to react and stab me in the stomach but I was to fast and he only managed to cut right below my eye and lip. Sugou's head smashed into the car and I fell back towards Kazuto. "Man your bleeding" Kazuto said "yeah well so are you" I said. "He's going to try and kill us" Kazuto said "yeah well he's going to have to do better than that" I said getting up then helping Kazuto up.

Sugou regained his balance and I could see what had happened to him. His face was messed up and he walked with a bad limp. The hand Sugou was using to hold the knife was shaky it was the hand I had cut off his fingers. "Get a good look this is both of your faults you set the pain absorbers to 0" Sugou said. "Yeah well consider it your fault for not giving Asuna and freeing the others peacefully" Kazuto told him. "I am going to kill both of you for stealing everything from me, I was a king" Sugou said to us as he got closer.

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