Chapter 18: Leafa

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Inside Of The World Tree


All seemed lost at that point for Y/N and and Kirito they had entered the World Tree and excepted the grand quest. Kirito had been beaten and was a spirit flame waiting for his revival. Y/N had tried to save him by using one of his three spells the dragon paladin. It however wasn't any help Y/N was overrun and ran out of MP and was frozen and place. He too was going to be defeated like Kirito.

Before he was killed Leafa entered inside of the tree and saved Y/N and restored his HP and MP. She rushed in and grabbed Kirito's spirit flame while Y/N cut down guardians and cleared a path for Leafa. "Come on Shi we need to get out of here" Leafa said as she dodged one of the guardians. Y/N was busy cutting down the archer guardians when Leafa said that.

"Ask and you shall receive" Y/N replied to Leafa he flew in front of her and readied himself. Y/N's armor began to glow red "my flames burn the earth, my wings tear through the sky and my scales are stronger than armor; Dragon's Inferno" he chanted. A dragon made of flames appeared from Y/N's armor and dove down at all of the guardians destroying them. The flame dragon made Y/N's armor disappear.

Before more guardians appeared he and Leafa escaped the tree. The gates closed as the guardians swung at them. Safe from the guardians Y/N fell to the ground from exhaustion. Leafa took out a World Tree dew drop and used it to bring back Kirito to life.


Leafa just saved our asses she healed me and saved Kirito. I didn't know what we were doing. Kirito thanked Leafa for reviving him "thanks Leafa for the save back there" I said. "Please don't do things like that again" Kirito told Leafa. "I don't want to cause you more trouble" Kirito said to her. I sighed this whole situation was becoming an even bigger problem. "Kirito would you stop that your only making things a bigger problem" I said.

"Look Shi I know I'm causing you problems too I don't want to drag you and Leafa into my problems" Kirito said. That struck a nerve with me I snapped and just punched Kirito in the face. "Y/N what are you doing?" Leafa asked me in a panic "no Leafa I deserved that" Kirito told her. "Kirito you are the most ignorant person I've ever met you think I don't have a stake in this last time I checked we both have people relying on us" I told Kirito.

He didn't say anything Kirito just sighed and walked towards the gate. "Are you seriously going to go back in there?" I asked frustrated. Leafa ran up to Kirito and grabbed his arm. "Shi is right I just want you to go back to being yourself" Leafa said to him. Leafa then tried to tell him something I knew what was going to happen. This wasn't going to go very well for Leafa.

"Look Leafa I apologise for what ever I might of made you think but I need to see Asuna again" Kirito told Leafa. He told her and to my surprise it wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Leafa had a shocked look on her face it then turned to disgust as she covered her mouth. "I can't be Kazuto is that you?" Leafa asked Kirito. Something happened then Kirito had a look of suprise when he realized what happened.

"Suguha" Kirito said I was still confused about what was going on. Immediately when Kirito reached out to Leafa she logged out. "What just happened?" I asked "I think Leafa is actually my sister" Kirito answered. I didn't know what to say to that I hadn't been into that kind of situation before. "She was going to confess her feelings for me" Kirito said "l don't want to say this Kazuto but this an Alabama situation" I told him.

Kazuto sighed "what do I do?" he asked me. "I don't know what happened that lead up to all of this" I told him. "But if I know anything about girl troubles which I do the best thing you should do is apologize to her in a way that she will understand" I told Kazuto. "I think I have an idea but I'm going to need you to meet me at the arena if things work out" Kazuto told me.

He logged out from there I then fell to the ground and let out a sigh. Suddenly something happened I was forced logged out.

Real World

"What the hell" I said waking up to see that my nervegear was being removed. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?" a voice asked me. I couldn't see anything for a minute everything was bright. When the light died down I saw my older sister with her arms folded and my nervegear in her hand scolding me. I looked over and saw that my door was open with Tai standing in it mouthing "sorry" to me.

Natalie was taping her foot being impatient. "Well, I am waiting for you to answer me" Natalie told me. "Well you see the thing is that I'm..." I tried to say. "I don't need any excuses do you have an idea how much pain this device has caused this family?" Natalie asked. I didn't know what to say "You and Mika were trapped inside of a death game for two years and Mika still hasn't woken up yet, Daichi died trying to save you leaving his wife and daughter behind" Natalie said with tears in her eyes.

"Natalie that is enough you have no idea what Y/N is doing he is trying to save Mika" Tai said running into the room and grabbing the nervegear from Natalie. "Tai don't" I said "no I know that you and sis being trapped in that game effected us I also no Dai died trying to save people but that's what he signed up for" Tai told Natalie.

When Tai was finished Natalie just stood there quietly not a word came from her mouth. Out of nowhere Natalie grabbed the nervegear from Tai and tossed it over to me. "If mom and dad fined out I am not going to say anything" Natalie said. I didn't know what to say before I could speak Natalie stopped me "do not say anything Daichi would be joining you if he was here" Natalie said.

With that Natalie then walked over to Tai and grabbed her arm and dragged her out of my room. When her and Tai out of the room Natalie closed the door. I kind of knew what had just happened then my phone buzzed. It was Kazuto he messaged me to meet him at the spot in the game. I plugged the nervegear back in and put it on. "Link start"

A/N: Hey readers it's me here is another chapter for you all I do hope that you all enjoyed it. I am sorry for the lack of action this chapter but there will be plenty of it in the next chapter. Also there are going to be three more chapters based of the episodes. Then after that I will do some extra chapters for you. Now I am always answering any questions you readers may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better than the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later

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