Chapter 2

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That night as Harry, Ron, Hermione and I sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall we were distracted from Dumbledore talking by Malfoy who was trying to get Harry's attention.

"Oi Potter is true you fainted. I mean you actually fainted?" he snickered as one of his cronies pretended to faint. Hermione pulled Harry's shoulder back around and made a face at Malfoy who was still cackling.

"How did he find out?" Harry asked annoyed.

"Just forget it," I said my eyes briefly swept over Malfoy's gaze and I stared at him with a blank expression. He lowered his gaze to his plate and kept it there for the rest of Dumbledore's speech. After dinner Percy who was now, the head boy led all the Gryffindors to the common room and gave us the new password. I yawned as I entered my dorm room at last so ready to get some sleep. As I pulled out my PJs Hermione looked over at me and smirked.

"So I saw Malfoy staring at you during dinner" I looked up at her in shock of what had just come out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry what now??" I asked and she shrugged.

"He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off you" she then wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"He's a spoilt brat who hates me and you, Harry and Ron. He was probably plotting my death to be honest" I replied disregarding any other possibility. Hermione sighed.

"It didn't seem to be a murder-plotting kind of face. Look if you do like him or whatever I support your choices but be careful it is Malfoy after all" I scoffed.

"Mione he hates me and I hate him there is nothing else going on there. Why would I like him, he treats you like dirt and it's horrible. He constantly teases and bullies my friends and he's not very pleasant to be around so there" she sighed and shook her head.

"Sure. But I'm just saying I support whatever you decide to do" I rolled my eyes and went to get into my PJs.  

When I came back out of the bathroom Hermione was already in bed and was reading the book that we needed for our transfiguration class tomorrow. I shook my head and laughed, typical Hermione.

"Goodnight Mione" I yawned giving my pet owl Ace and quick stroke before closing my eyes and falling asleep. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now