Chapter 11

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Aurora's POV*

"I'm telling you it said Peter Pettigrew on the map, and the map never lies," Harry said in hushed tones to Hermione, Ron and I as we hung out in the library one day after classes.

" But I thought he was dead," I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I know! That's what everyone thinks, but that can't be true if it said he was there" Harry said looking over the top of his book as some more students came into the library.

"Are you sure you weren't just tired, Harry?" Hermione sighed looking up from her essay tiredly.

"Yes, I'm sure Hermoine. Why would I tell you if I wasn't" Harry retaliated She shrugged and flicked the page over on her book as she searched for information

"I don't know Harry, but I wouldn't tell anyone else. It seems dodgy to me" Ron added copying Hermione's work. I flicked his forehead

"Ron, come on do your own work and don't be like that towards Harry. He believes you with some pretty crazy things before remember? Who's to say this isn't one of those almost unbelievable things that happen" I closed the lid on my ink bottle and cleaned my quill.

"I suppose so" Ron shrugged and Harry smiled at me.

"Anyway I've got to go, Wood wanted to talk to me about some quidditch ideas for our next match," Harry said slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

"I'll come with you. I'm not going to get any further on this essay" Ron sighed packing away his things. They waved goodbye and headed off to find Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Hermione and I were left to work and soon we were again interrupted by a certain someone walking over to our table. He coughed and made us look up at him, my eyes widened when I saw the unmistakable blonde hair of Draco Malfoy. Hermione and I shared a look of confusion

"Yes?" I asked dipping my quill back into the inkpot.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something," He said quietly. Hermione raised her eyebrows and scoffed.

"What's so amusing Granger?" He asked, shifting his satchel from his right shoulder to his left.

"Why should she help you?" Hermione said finally tearing her eyes away from her almost finished charms essay. Malfoy didn't reply.

"Exactly," Hermione said adding a few more sentences to her paper. I gave her a pointed look and she shrugged.

"What do you need help with Malfoy?" I asked pulling out the chair that was next to me. He gave me a small smile and sat down, hanging his bag on the chair. He then pulled out an incomplete essay and placed it in front of me.

"What subject?" I asked picking it up.

"Transfiguration," He said picking up one of the many books scattered on the table. It didn't take me long to read through the essay and I could see where he was having trouble. Hermione suddenly let out a deep breath and started to pack up.

"You done Herms?" I asked giving her a smile.

"Yes, I am finally happy with this" She grinned back placing her things in her bag.

"I'll see you in the common room when you're done?" She said looking at Malfoy suspiciously. He met her eyes before looking over to me with something in his eyes that I couldn't place.

"Yup, I don't know how long I'll be but don't wait up okay?" I gave her a wave and turned my attention back onto the blonde boy next to me.

"You're not going to rush off?" He asked sounding surprised. I looked up at him and shook my head.

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now