Chapter 6

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The next few days were pretty grim and boring. Finally, the moment came. The weekend which would be spent in Hogsmeade! The first time that we would be going as a year group. Sadly Harry couldn't come with us because his permission slip wasn't signed. I felt really bad leaving him behind, he seemed to be really down lately I felt weird when around him, like I knew how he was feeling all the time. I'm sure it was nothing. 

Hermione, Ron and I wandered around Hogsmeade enjoying everything it had to offer,

"Do you think we should bring something back for Harry? I feel awful that he couldn't join us" I suggested as I browsed the many shelves at Honeydukes

"That's a good idea, what do you think he would like?" Hermione asked coming up beside me.

"Sugar quills?" Ron said with his mouth full, I shook my head

"Chocolate frogs?" Hermione said picking one up off the shelf

"No, that's not it" I muttered continuing to look, before spotting treacle tarts

" Perfect, Treacle tarts" I grabbed 4 of them and headed to the counter to pay. We left shortly afterwards feeling satisfied.

"Should we head back?" Hermione asked after another hour or two. Ron and I looked at each other and nodded

"Probably yeah, I'm getting really cold now too," I said rubbing my hands together as the snow fell thickly around us.

"Come on then," Hermione said and we briskly made our way back to the castle. We hurried along the corridors until we reached the fat lady picture, we gave the password and clambered in, heading straight for the fire where Harry was sat.

"Hey Harry" I smiled sitting next to him

"Hi Rory" He smiled sadly back

"I got you something from Honeydukes," I said pulling out the package of Treacle tarts. He opened them and his face lit up

"Thank you so much, I love these" He gave me a hug before taking a bite and relaxing into the sofa.

"Did you have a nice time?" He asked looking at us.

"Yes, but it would've been better if you got to go with us," I said Taking my gloves and beanie off. Harry shrugged

"It's fine, I hung out with Professor Lupin"  He smiled fondly.

"Oh, how nice" Hermione sighed peeling off her coat and flopping down next to the fire.

Ron suddenly pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to Harry

" It's a Pocket Sneakoscope. If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that..." He trailed off

"Sirius Black's trying to kill me." Harry grinned at us and I shook my head

"I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt." I sighed and stood up

"Where you off to?" Ron asked stealing my spot, I eyed him before saying

"To put my coat away and to grab some work I need to finish" That caught Hermione's attention, she dragged her gaze away from the warmth of the fire

" Good idea, I'll come with you, I've got to finish an essay that McGonagall set" She then stood up and followed me up the stairs to our dorm room. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now