Chapter 4

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Later on that day Malfoy was back to his usual antics of making everything seem worse than it actually was. Ron and Harry looked over at him and rolled their eyes

"He's really laying it on thick isn't he?" I nodded looking back down to my potions book. 

I glanced down at my watch and slipped my book into my bag, deciding it was time to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts which this year was being taught by Professor Lupin. The three of us entered the classroom to see a rather large wardrobe in the middle of the room. It shook from time to time, meaning there was something in there wanting to get out. As we gathered around it I noticed we were joined by the Slytherins, perfect absolutely perfect. Lupin suddenly entered the room, strode over to the wardrobe and turned to us.

"Can anyone tell me what this is?" he asked.

"That's a boggart that it" replied Dean

"Very good Mr Thomas," Professor Lupin smiled. 

"Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows sir, it takes the form of whatever the person fears the most. That's what makes it-" Hermione got cut off

"So terrifying yes" Lupin agreed.

"When did she get here? Did you see her come in?" Ron whispered to Harry and me, we shook our heads and turned back to Lupin who has currently brought Neville to the front of the class and was saying something to him quietly. 

"Wand at the ready Neville," he said as he opened the wardrobe door. We held our breath as Professor Snape stumbled out of the wardrobe and headed towards Neville who looked white as a sheet. 

"Riddikulus!" he yelled and Snape's clothes transformed into Neville's Grandmother's clothes. Most of us laughed and we all formed a line, wanting a turn. It came to my turn and I nervously stood in front of the boggart not sure what it would turn into. It took a few seconds but I saw a flash of bright green light and then a silhouette drop to the floor in front of me, then the focus turned to a cot where two babies were sitting with tear-streaked faces with a tall man dressed in black towering over them. I don't know why but I felt fear grip my heart and before I knew what I was doing I yelled out 


The boggart didn't turn into something funny, it just went black. I stood there feeling confused, lost and for some reason scared. I looked over at Professor Lupin who was also looking at me with a confused expression plastered on his face. I slowly turned around with furrowed eyebrows and I made my way to the back of the class, whispers filling the room. I leant against a wooden beam and took a deep breath feeling shaky.

"Mr Malfoy, would you mind taking Miss Maxwell to the infirmary I feel she may need a lie down" Professor Lupin instructed Draco, at this point in time I didn't care who took me, it could've been Pansy and I still wouldn't care. I heard him sigh loudly before walking out of the classroom I followed behind still looking at the ground. We walked in silence for a little bit before he turned to me,

"What was that?" he asked. I shrugged. 

"I have no idea" I answered shakily. 

"What? How can you have a fear that you don't know about? Normally they make themselves pretty clear" he argued. 

"Well, apparently not" I replied. It was quiet for a few more moments. 

"Are you okay?" I looked up at him in surprise to see there was a genuine concern in his eyes. 

"I think so, just confused that's all" he looked at me for a little while not looking convinced, he then turned and continued walking towards the infirmary. Once Madam Pomfrey had sorted me out she made him leave even though he insisted on keeping me company. This had made me laugh and shake my head. 

"Go on, I'll be fine" I tried to reassure him.

"You sure?" he asked. I nodded

"Yes now go to class. You've already missed out on Defence Against the Dark Arts because of me" he shrugged in response. 

"I don't care" 

"Yes, well, I do now go" I laughed. He didn't move, I sighed.

"You don't want your reputation to be ruined now, do you? Staying here might ruin it for you. We don't want that" I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes but that seemed to put him in check and his normal cocky swagger returned. 

" Yeah well, see you around Maxwell," he said before rushing out of the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey then came by and pulled the curtain around my bed giving me some privacy to rest properly. I closed my eyes and drifted off for who knows how long.

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now