Chapter 21

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"Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!" Ron demanded as we sat at our table where a large package was sitting, just waiting to be opened. Harry walked over to us looking confused

"Harry! Wherever did you get it!" Neville ran up to him

"Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course --" Seamus begged.

"Quiet!" Ron said

"Thank you. Let the man through," People moved so that Harry could see what all the fuss was about.

"Whose is that?" Harry asked

"Whose is it? It's yours, mate," Ron said making others laugh.

"Who is it from?" Harry asked moving to touch the package.

"It's a mystery. Though... this fell out of the wrapping," Hermione said holding up a blue feather.

"That's a Hippogriff feather --" Harry stopped and looked up at Hermione and me, we grinned and shared a secretive look. Harry grabbed the broom ad=nd we raced out the doors with a crowd following closely behind. Hagrid was outside and turned to see what the commotion was and so did Malfoy and his gang. As Harry stops a hush falls over the crowd

"Go on, Harry!" Seamus encouraged

"Yeah. Let's see," Neville nodded in excitement. Harry mounts the broom and we all gasp as he lifts off the ground and zooms off, faster than any of us could've imagined. We all went crazy as we yelled and cheered after Harry. We heard him scream with joy and then he laughs loudly. We watch him for a while before he carefully swings around and comes to land.

"How was it?" I ask with a grin.

"Brilliant," Harry grinned back. We turn to go back inside when Malfoy catches my eye

"Aurora," He nods and smiles

"Draco," I repeat his actions as his 'friends' give us weird looks. Pansy glares at me and clings onto Draco's arm making him look annoyed and I laughed and shook my head. He glared playfully at me and I continued to walk off with Harry, Hermoine and Ron.

"What was that?" Harry asked. I looked over to him

"What was what?"

"Between you and Malfoy" He stated.

"Oh that. Well, we have decided to be friends," I shrugged. Harry shook his head

"I wouldn't trust him," Ron said.

"Funny, he said the same thing about you," I rolled my eyes.

"Look you don't have to like him, but just accept that I am friends with him okay?" I said as we walked to the common rooms to collect our trunks. Ron sighed as did Harry, Hermione giggled and gave me a wink to which I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now