Chapter 3

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I woke up to Hermione running around the room muttering to herself.

"Um, what's going on?" I yawned stretching and dragging myself from the comfort of my duvet. Hermione looked up and gave me a tight smile.

"Nothing nothing I'm just looking for my ancient runes book. Have you seen it by any chance?" I shook my head apologetically.

"that's alright don't worry. I might have left it in the common room" she then practically sprinted out of the dorm room leaving me to get into my Gryffindor uniform. I quickly made my way downstairs to see Hermione frantically stuffing a huge book into her bag.

"Mione, it's the first day back relax a little" I sighed walking out of the common room towards the great hall. I saw Harry and Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table stuffing their faces with eggs, I rolled my eyes and laughed as I walked over to them.

"Hello boys" I greeted as I buttered a piece of toast on my plate.

"Hey Rory," they said with full mouths. At that precise moment, Hermione sat down next to me and looked at the boys in disgust. Her eyes glanced over the other tables before settling on something, they narrowed and then turned subtly towards me.

"Malfoy is staring at you again" I stopped my toast midair and looked at her like she was crazy. I shook my head.

"No what? Why on earth would he be looking at me?" I looked over to the Slytherin table to see him quickly look away. I shrugged and continued to eat my breakfast.

"What's happening with Malfoy?" Harry asked taking a sip of his morning pumpkin juice.

"I caught him staring at Aurora again" Hermione replied pouring milk on her cereal.

"Again?" Ron asked raising his eyebrows.

"Mhm that's right," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"And again he's probably plotting my downfall. He hates me remember?" I denied. She shrugged and Ron and Harry shared a confused and slightly angry look.

"If that git bothers you I swear I'll hex him" Ron mumbled. I laughed and finished my food before standing up.

"C' mon let's not think about that idiot now. We have Care of Magical Creatures first which Hagrid is teaching so hurry up" I swung my legs around and off the bench before making my way towards Hagrid's hut, feeling curious as to what his first-ever lesson would hold. Once everyone was there Hagrid led us into a small clearing surrounded by trees.

"Now open your books to page 23" he instructed.

"And how exactly do we do that?" Malfoy asked snarkily.

'You just stroke the spine of course " Hagrid replied walking off into the trees.

"I think they're funny," Hermione said setting her book down on a nearby rock.

"Oh yeah terribly witty. God this place has gone to the dogs, just wait until I tell my father that Dumbledore has got this oaf teaching classes" Malfoy scoffed. Harry stepped forward looking pissed.

"Shut up Malfoy," he said. Malfoy turned and looked at his cronies.

"Ooooh," they all said as Malfoy stepped towards Harry, he suddenly looked up with a scared look on his face.

"D-Dementor dementor!!" he pointed stumbling backwards. We all whipped around but there was nothing there and Malfoy and his gang laughed loudly pulling their hoods up and pretending to be dementors. Hermione pulled Harry forward by his shoulder and she gave Malfoy a nasty look. Malfoy then looked at me and I rolled my eyes at him before turning towards Hagrid who had returned with a weird horse-bird creature.

"Da da da daaaa" Hagrid exclaimed.

"Hagrid what exactly is that?" asked Ron with wide eyes.

"That Ron is a Hippogriff, very proud creatures they are you do not want to insult one of these things it may just be the last thing you ever do" Hagrid replied while raising his eyebrows.

"Now who wants to meet him?" Hagrid asked turning to look at the Hippogriff, we all took a step back except for Harry who was still transfixed on the bird-like creature.

"Come on then Harry" Hagrid called, Harry turned around the see everyone had moved away, cautiously he walked towards Hagrid and the animal that was cleaning its feathers.

"Now this is Buckbeak, what you've got to do Harry is bend down in a bow and wait for him to return the bow, if he does you can go pat him and if not then... well, we'll get to that later" Hagrid said as Harry followed his instructions. He bent into a bow and stayed there, Buckbeak reared up and Hagrid pushed Harry back quickly. Buckbeak then bent one of his legs forward and bowed back.

"Well done Harry" Hagrid applauded as Buckbeak walked up to Harry and let him pet him.

"I think he may let you ride him now" Harry turned to look at Hagrid.

"What? Hey hey hey Hagrid put me down" he said as he was lifted off the ground and placed between Buckbeak's wing joint.

"Now don't pull any of his feathers out cause he won't thank you for that" he then gave Buckbeak a tap and he jolted forwards before lifting off the ground spreading his wings wide taking Harry with him, who at first was yelling and then started laughing with joy clearly enjoying himself up there. We watched them soar across the sky for a bit before Hagrid whistled and signalled for Buckbeak to return to the ground. We were all clapping loudly as they both landed.

"Well done Harry and well done Buckbeak" Hagrid clapped helping Harry down. Suddenly Malfoy pushed past us and headed straight for Buckbeak.

"Yes, you're not scary at all, are you? You great ugly brute"

"Malfoy no" Hagrid said as Buckbeak jumped up and brought his hoof/claw down on Malfoy's arm who ended up on the ground clutching where he had been struck.

"Ah it's killed me, it's killed me" he was whimpering.

"Calm down it's just a scratch" Hagrid tried to reassure Malfoy. I stepped forward

"Hagrid he has to be taken to the hospital wing" Hagrid nodded.

"Alright, I'm the teacher I'll do it" he then picked up the blonde boy and headed for the castle.

"You'll regret this, you and your bloody chicken" Malfoy threatened weakly.

"Class dismissed" Hagrid called out. I went to walk back to the castle with the others when I noticed Malfoy's bag lying on the ground so I quickly went over and picked it up before heading to the hospital wing to drop it off. I entered the hospital wing and went over to Madam Pomfrey with Malfoy's bag.

"Yes dear?" she asked looking up from her work.

"Um I've got Malfoy's bag" I trailed off, she nodded and pointed over at a closed-off bed. I walked over to it and pulled back the curtain to see Draco Malfoy propped up with his arm in a sling looking smug. When he saw me his expression changed into a confused one.

"Aurora what are you doing here?" I dropped his bag onto the bed.

"Your cronies left this behind Malfoy" he didn't look surprised.

"How's your arm?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Madam Pomfrey fixed it, it should be fine," he replied. I nodded and went to leave.

"Thank you Aurora" I looked at him and nodded again.

"No problem Malfoy" he looked down when I called him by his last name.

"Can you call me Draco instead?" he asked quietly looking slightly embarrassed.

"Why? You don't like me, you hate my house and my friends" I replied crossing my arms.

He sighed.

"Please just this once?" I gave him a confused look, he looked so fragile at that moment.

I pulled back the curtain and looked at him once more.

"Bye Draco" he looked up at me and grinned, it was a genuine smile which was weird coming from him but it made me smile and I know he saw that before I left him and walked out of the hospital wing, ignoring the butterfly feeling in my stomach. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now