Chapter 13

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We briskly made our way through the courtyard and down towards Hagrid's hut, avoiding the executioner who was sat on the fountain edge sharpening his axe.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible." Hermione said sounding upset, I nodded

"It just got worse," Harry said as we approached the stones that were placed next to the path that led to Hagrid's hut. We stopped as we saw Draco with Crabbe and Goyle hiding behind the stones. He held a pair of binoculars to his eyes

"Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh, this is going to be rich. Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head --" He trailed off and smirked once he noticed us behind him.

"Ah. Come to see the show?" He laughed, I glared at him and it looked like he winced when he met my eyes but he soon covered that when Goyle laughed.

"You... foul... loathsome... evil... little cockroach..." Hermione growled out as she pressed her wand into Draco's neck harshly.

"Hermione! No!" I turned in surprise as Ron called out. He looked away

"He's not worth it." She nods and takes a step back, just in time as I stepped forward and punched him straight in the nose, he fell down and looked stunned. He looked up at me in confusion but all he was met with, was an icy glare. I felt no remorse, well maybe a little.

"Aurora!" Harry called out trying not to laugh. Draco then stood up and gave me a hard stare before running back to the castle with the two idiots lumbering after him.

"That felt good" I smiled, letting out a small laugh.

"Not good, brilliant" Ron grinned.

"Come on, we should be at Hagrid's," Harry said and we followed him down the path to our friend's house. Buckbeak was chained up in the pumpkin patch, looking quite happy as we passed him. Hagrid sat by the window watching him as Hermione and I made some tea,

"Look at 'em. Loves the smell o' the trees when the wind blows..." Hagrid sighed.

"I say we set him free," Harry said, accepting a cup of tea from me with a smile.

"They'd know I did it. And tha' would only get Dumbledore in trouble. Gonna come down, yeh know. Says he wants ter be with me when it... when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore." Hagrid shook his head.

"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid," Hermione said turning around with her tea in hand.

"Yeh will not! Think I wan' yeh seein' a thing like this! No. Yeh'll drink yer tea an' be off. But before yeh do -- I wan' ter see you an' Ron shake hands, Harry." He gave them both a pointed stare. Ron and Harry shared a glance

"Thin' I haven' seen 'ow it's bin betw'n you two? Go on now..." They both sighed and reluctantly held out their hands before shaking.

"Good. Now then. Ron, I wan' ter see you give Hermione a hug." Hagrid said pointing at the two of them. They looked horrified

"What!" They both exclaimed

"Go on! You two've been at it all year. An' I'm sick o' it." Ron and Hermione gave each other the most awkward hug in Hogwarts history, I giggled watching the two of them interact.

"Crikey, tha's jus' abou' the most pathetic hug I e'er seen. But yeh did it, an' tha's wha' matters. There's jus' one other thing..." Hagrid said standing up and going to get something

"I'm not kissing Fang if that's what you're thinking..." Ron trailed off when he saw Hagrid holding a small pathetic looking rat. His face then lit up

"Scabbers! You're alive!"

"Yeh should keep a closer eye on yer pets, Ron," Hagrid said handing over Scabbers.

"I think you owe someone an apology," Hermione said standing up

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know," Ron said with a wry grin.

"I meant me," Hermione sighed looking cross.

"Crikey. Here we go again..." Hagrid sighed. Just then a jar smashed, Hermione and I looked down to see a small black sone among the broken bits of pottery.

" Ow!" Harry said rubbing the back of his head.

"Hagrid..." Harry then pointed outside where Dumbledore and Fudge were approaching with the executioner not far behind them.

"Yeh gotta go! It's almost dark. Anyone sees yeh outside the castle it'll be trouble! Big trouble! 'Specially you, Harry --" Hagrid said panicked. There were three large bangs on the front door signalling the arrival.

"C'mon," Harry silently signalled for us to follow him out the back door. We hid behind a large stack of pumpkins, we heard something snap behind us in the trees and Hermione and II whipped around to see what it was, but there was nothing there.

"What?" Harry whispered to us.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw... Never mind," Hermione shook her head still looking into the trees.

"Come on, let's go" Ron whispered, watching Hagrid's house. We ran back up the path and stopped to catch our breath near the giant stones. We watched as the executioner walked out into the pumpkin field towards Buckbeak, the clock tower began to chime. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I felt Harry's arm go around my shoulder pulling me into a hug. There was a deafening slice sound before the crows squawking like mad; flew up into the air and away from the pumpkin patch. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now