Chapter 14

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Just then Ron jumps back with a small gasp of pain.

"He bit me..." Ron said trailing his eyes after the small rat's running body. He then quickly followed the small rat

"Ron! No!" Hermione yells as we chase after our friend. Ron ran over a small hill and disappeared, my eyes widened as we followed him. We reached the top of the ridge and stopped

"Harry. You do realize what tree this is..." I trailed off as Ron caught his pet and cradled him in his bloodied hand. He was kneeling under the Whomping Willow

"That's not good. Ron! Run!" Harry yelled taking a step towards him. Ron then looks up at us and fear fills his face

"Harry! Run!" He points behind us a great big black dog comes bounding towards us. Harry grabs my arm and pulls me into him and we duck to protect ourselves just as the dog jumps over us and heads straight for Ron. Ron screams as the dog bites down into his leg and drags him into a hole in the tree, Harry rushes forward and tries to grab onto Ron's hand but it slips from his grasp and Ron disappears down into the hole. His screams echoing around. We stood up but were quickly thrown to the ground again as the Whomping Willow swung at Hermione, we looked at each other and nodded before rushing towards the tree trying to avoid getting smashed by the branches. A branch swung down and knocked Harry off his feet, his glasses flew in another direction as Hermione and I jump over an incoming branch. We smile at each other before another branch comes down at us, I ducked but Hermione wasn't so lucky she was swept off the ground and high into the air. I look over to see Harry frantically searching for his glasses so I ran over to help him. Hermione screams as the branch she was holding onto, suddenly plummeted to the ground straight towards us. Harry slipped his glasses onto his face just in time to see Hermione hurtling towards us

"Ahhhhhhh!" We all screamed. Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry's shirt, he looked at her confused for a few seconds before he was pulled off the ground and flicked down into the hole we watched Ron disappear through only minutes ago. Hermione was swung around for a little longer when she zoomed around and did the same thing to me that she did to Harry, I slid down into the hole and landed on a disorientated Harry

"Sorry" I grimaced

"It's alright," He said twisting his wrist a little. We were soon joined by a frazzled looking Hermione, I pulled some twigs out of her hair and helped her up. She gave me a tired grateful smile and we looked ahead into a tunnel.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked as Harry said the Lumos charm.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong..." Harry said as we carefully walked down the dark tunnel. 

Draco Malfoy *3rd Year*Where stories live. Discover now