Chapter Sixteen

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AN - Heyyyyyyyyy!! Well today I have been off sick and I feel pretty grim, but being the amazingly cool babe that I am, I have updated anyway! WOO! it was a really hard chapter to write, especially the ending which is awful :L But thankyou to everyone who has stuck by me during this, there is much more to come! Please vote/comment/fan if you like!

Henri’s POV

This is not happening.

This cannot be happening.

This must be some sick joke…

I have made a decision,

It hurts to love.

It hurts to love so hard; so much; with all your heart, and then have it torn apart like it’s fucking paper.

You put all your trust in one person.

All your heart and soul.

Then fate comes along, sees you happy and decides it would be fun to tear it away from you.

As Niall was being dropped home, he invited me in, but I had to say no as my parents told me there was a family dinner I had to be home for.

When I get home my parents apologise about messing up my plans, but say that the dinner had to be rescheduled to in a week’s time, because the table booking got cancelled for some reason.

So I decided to surprise Niall at his place.

Niall had a key cut to his place for me, telling me that he loved me with all his heart, and he wanted me to be welcome in every aspect of his life, including being able to just walk into his house whenever.

Then I walked into his house and see him with a girl.

I jumped to conclusions.

Sure they were only hugging and I trusted him with all my soul.

But I heard him say “I’ve missed you so much, I love you,”

I gasp and start to cry, but neither of them hears me.

I ran out, not knowing where I was going.

I wanted to go to Grace’s, she is always there for me but I knew she was probably having a difficult time herself with the reappearance of Kieran, and my problem seemed petty compared to hers, I didn’t want to worry her.

So I went to Harry and Louis’.

I have always been quite close to Harry, and I felt like I could open up to him.

He saw my tears and pulled me inside, he knew exactly what to do.

He sat me down on the sofa with numerous bottles of alcohol on the floor around us, threw me a glass then cuddled up to the other end of the sofa and told me to ‘spill whatever was hurting me’

In hindsight we drank a lot.

Too much.

But when you’re depressed you need an escape and mine was being poured into my glass whenever it was emptied.

It was harmless, it wasn’t meant to hurt anyone.

We never meant to hurt anyone…

I kissed Harry – he kissed me back.

I was drunk – he was drunk.

Niall walked in – we were caught.

He accused – I accused.

“She’s my cousin!” He screamed, “She has moved back to England after three years in America!”

I cried; I had messed up so badly.

He’s so upset and he has a reason to be.

I just can’t bear the thought that this may be the end.

I love him so much…

Niall’s POV

I don’t know where the fuck I’m going but I need to get away from that house.

I jump into the car and accelerate away; not caring if I broke a few driving laws.

Who gives a crap anyway?

Are you kidding me…

As if I’m part of some sad chick-flick it starts to rain.

Except it’s not a chick-flick.

I am actually having my heart broken for real.

And it’s not gonna end with roses and chocolates – real life isn’t like that.

Shine bright like a diamond


“Fuck off!” I scream, even though the phone can’t hear me.

Shine bright like a diamond

They’re not gonna leave are they?

Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy.

“Fuck it…” I murmur, pulling over to the side of the road, and lifting my phone so I could see caller ID.

“What is it Lou?” I snap, not caring that I’m being rude to one of my best mates for something that isn’t his fault.

“Niall man, what just happened!?” Louis replied, ignoring my outburst.

“Louis! Give him a break!” I heard Grace call out to him from the background.

“Louis I don’t really wanna talk about right now…” I sighed, pulling my hair in anger with the hand that wasn’t holding my phone to my ear.

“Nialler, you can talk to me, you know that?” said Louis.

“yeah I know, I just don’t wanna talk.” I replied.

Louis sighed, “Where are you mate?”

“Some road somewhere,”

“Where is this somewhere? Anywhere near a pub? I’ll drive out and meet you…”

I glanced around and realised where I was.

“Yeah, there is one about five minutes down the road, The Red Horse I think?”

“Yeah I know the one, I’ll be there in fifteen, ok mate?”


I threw the phone into my passenger seat exasperatedly.

I hope Louis is gonna be able to drop me home, because I am planning on getting smashed.


Grace’s POV

Louis is such a great friend.

He is such a great guy in general.

As soon as he saw how much of a state Niall was in, he kissed my firmly to show he hadn’t forgotten about me, then got straight on the phone to him.

He apologized profusely to me about wrecking our plans, forced Harry to drop me home as he jumped in the car to comfort is Irish mate.

He is such a great guy – that is why I’m kind of worried as to why he hasn’t called or texted in two days.

He hasn’t come home according to Harry, and Henri is certain Niall hasn’t either.

Two days…

They have been missing two days…

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