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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has stuck with me xxx

AN - Omg... It's the end... How can it be over already!? THIS IS MADNESS! Omg I am actually an emotional wreck right now... Did you know I almost removed this story when I was at like 11 chapters? I am so glad I didn't now! I am so suprised it's even this long! I really really really hope you all liked it as much as I loved writing it!

and can i just add... OVER 3000 READS WUT??!!??!!

I just want to tell everyone who has read that I love you all more than I love my own feet, thankyou so much for you're support and i love you...

~ Two Months Later ~

Louis’ POV

 ‘– it tells us that you do not offer direction, suggestion or commentary. And you should be thankful that me and Ryan can lift your music out of its obscurity. Are we clear?’

‘Yes, ma'am, I mean, Sharpay.’

‘Nice talking to you!’

“Sassy!” I exclaimed as Sharpay stalked off the stage on the TV opposite me.

“Taking notes eh Lou?” Zayn teased, elbowing me jokingly in the ribs as the entire band we sat squeezed onto mine and Harry’s sofa watching High School Musical, eating popcorn all cuddled under a blanket.

“Shut up Zayn, guaranteed you’re wearing more hair products than Sharpay!” I retaliated light-heartedly.

“I don’t like that accusation…” Zayn pouted.

I laughed and pulled him into a one-armed hug before settling back down to concentrate on the movie. Just as I was feeling all snugly, Harry pushed my feet off of his lap and jumped up, turning to face us all still sitting on the sofa.

“Anyone want a cuppa?” He said, clapping his hands together.

“Yeah please,” I replied, everyone else shook their heads, and Harry nodded, turning to walk into the kitchen.

Just as he reached the kitchen door, the doorbell rung. Harry stepped towards the front door and opened it.

From where we were sitting we couldn’t see who was at the door but I could see Harry’s facial expression. He frowned and said, “What are you doing here?”

“Could I see Louis?” The voice replied, and I instantly recognized it.

My throat closed up, my eyes grew wide and my mouth went dry. Three head, turned to stare at me on the sofa and Niall mouthed to me, “Why is she here?”

I just shrugged, speechless.

Suddenly I was dragged back into the real world when I heard Harry snap “I’m not sure he really wants to talk now. It’s been long enough…”

I began to breathe a sigh of relief when the voice replied “Please Harry, I made a mistake. I need to fix this, or at least apologize.”

I bit my lip, why does she have to do this now?

When I’m over her she has to come back, why?

“Please Harry…” She added.

Harry huffed and rolled his eyes, “Fine. But don’t hurt him.” He lowered his voice an octave so that it was actually quite intimidating, I didn’t know he had it in him to be honest “Do not hurt him.”

There wasn’t a reply so I assume she just nodded.

I turned away from the hall, so I didn’t have to see her when she walks in.

“Louis?” I heard a tentative voice call out, it sounded like it was from the living room door.

I picked at the edge of the sofa to try and show her that I was ignoring her, but she was persistent.

“Louis please can we talk?”

I sighed and turned around slowly, dragging my eyes up reluctantly to meet the dazzling orbs that had held me captive only two months ago, belonging to the girl sitting next to me.

I didn’t want it to, but my breath caught.

She hadn’t changed a bit, well maybe she had. She was slimmer; her hair was a slightly darker red than before. But her eyes were just the same.

“Come with me.” I said simply, raising myself off the sofa and leading her into the second reception room next door, sensing that we’d need privacy but not wanting the intimacy of my bedroom.

“So what can I do for you?” I asked blankly, sitting myself awkwardly on the sofa in the second reception room after shutting the door behind us.

“Lou please don’t act like you don’t know me…” She practically whispered, I flinched at the use of my nickname.

“I’m not. I’m just surprised you’re here,” I replied, I swallowed shallowly, “after all this time…”

I heard her take a shaky breath as I stared into my lap, “Louis. I’m sorry. Please understand that I am so, so sorry. I should never have said what I said. I was… I don’t know, shocked?”

She paused and I met her gaze.

“I guess I was shocked that Kieran would do something like that. That he would actually put a person in danger. And it was because of me. That’s what scared me stiff. I was the reason that your life was put in danger. Do you realise how much guilt that put on me? You could have died! I could have been the reason that you died!” She wiped away a tear quickly; I could tell she was angry that she couldn’t hold it in.

I reached forwards to wrap her in my arms instinctively, but changed my mind quickly and just rested my arm on the back of the sofa.

“Then you were found and you were safe and I loved you but I knew I couldn’t have you. I had to leave.”

“You didn’t have to leave.” I interrupted her, I wasn’t planning to but it just slipped out, “You didn’t have to make me fall for you and then leave me when I needed you.”

“Louis I-”

“No Grace, let me finish.” Grace fell silent instantly, “I loved you. And I had just experienced the most terrifying few days of my life. I thought I was going to die, I thought I was never going to see anyone ever again. Niall was held against me, did you know that? One of my best friends was used as a weapon against me just because I knew you. Yet I wouldn’t have changed that. I wouldn’t have changed knowing you so I could be safe, because that would mean that I could never see the way your eyes light up when you smile, never hear that slight catch in your laugh, never hold you impossibly close and tell you that I was in love with you. I was in love with you Grace and you told me it was nothing. You told me I meant nothing to you and you fucking ruined me.” I tugged on my hair in frustration before grabbing her gaze again, “You made me feel like I was worth nothing and that is the shittiest feeling ever. I was a fucking wreck; I’m not going to sugar-coat it for you because I want you to know how much you made me hurt.”

“Louis… I am so sorry. Louis, I know you don’t want to hear this – I know you probably don’t want to ever see me again – Louis… I.. I love you, ok? I fucking love you. I tried to stop myself loving you but I couldn’t. It took me so long to come here because I was trying to stop myself from loving you, but I don’t want to… I don’t want you to be someone who I loved and forgot about, Lou… I… I’m sorry, please forgive me?” Grace pleaded.

I took her hands in mine, staring at where our hands joined, “You’re right, I didn’t want to ever see you again Grace. In fact I was so pissed when I heard you at my door. I thought, ‘how could she be so selfish? She gave me just enough time to get over her, then here she comes, fucking it all up again,’. And I want to be able to tell you to get up and leave, I want to be able to tell you that I never want to see your face again, but that wouldn’t be fair on me, because I want to see your face every day for the rest of my life. Grace you utter idiot…” I paused and grinned at the confusion plastered over her face, “I love you too, you knob. I was waiting for you, you know?”

Grace grinned, “Sorry it took me so long.”

“Yeah, I am too.”

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