The Road So Far ...

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Our story had opened with the Winchester trio staying in a safe house where Dillon had been studying a map with some sightings of demonic activity. She's on the search for her father and asks Dean if he had heard anything from him.

Of course it had been a prompt no and notes that Sam probably hadn't either.

The three siblings had been on the way to work a case when Dillon had suddenly gotten a phone call from John Winchester. It had been a warning call to warn his three children that something dangerous was going to come for them.

While working the case they had been heading to work on, Dillon had come across a handsome, young man named Jack whom she had gotten drunk with ... and well ... had a night Dean Winchester style.

The next morning she had come back to the motel to her brother's both of whom made comments about her appearance. It had only been a few minutes later when they dropped their jokes when their sister had passed out with abnormally high body temperature. Jack had appeared in the motel room (surprise surprise he was a demon) and fought the brothers before disappearing with their little sister.

As the demon disappeared, there stood the missing John Winchester now disappointed with both of his sons for losing his daughter.


Dillon had awaken after the problem with Jack the Demon in a warehouse kind of place that had a Hell vibe bringing her to her senses. Her kidnapper had been the one and only Lucifer who had been eager to give her a story, but hadn't had the time to do so. He had given her a warning before he snapped his fingers and she had been back in the hotel room with her brothers, father and a new figure in the room.

The new figure had been Castiel Angel of the Lord.

Dillon had pieced together that this had been the danger her father had been talking about, and when she went to confront him about he had try to say he would have said something if he had known. Dillon had once again thrown some pieces together and realized the man standing amongst the Winchester children had not been John Winchester.


Dillon and John had gotten into one of their classic fights and Dillon had disappeared for months. She got hooked on the bad habit of drinking demon blood and getting more familiar with the horrible demon abilities that had been coursing through her to the point of being completely scared out of her mind. She had a few hook-ups with Castiel, but eventually Sam and Dean had ran into her while they were on a case.

Lucifer had been able to tell the story he had wanted to tell Dillon that involved her, Sam and Dean being vessels to the three siblings of Lucifer, Leslie and Michael. Lucifer and Leslie had been twins just as Sam and Dillon are twins and Dean had been the "big, bad brother" Michael.

Dean and Sam brought Dillon back home with them to the current motel they had been residing in. Their father had nearly killed Dillon which had actually been another demon inside of him. That demon had escaped from him and gotten into Dean but they managed to exorcise the demon out.

And once again, just like that, John Winchester had disappeared from his three children.

This moment had been when the boys had figured out about Castiel, and of course Dean had thrown a big brother fit in protection of his sister.


Time had passed and the Winchester siblings plus Castiel had been residing in a Bunker that would ward them off of demons and angels having the ability to track them for the most part. Rowena and Crowley had met with Dillon about getting rid of Lucifer and Leslie to get them back into the cage to prevent anymore havoc from the two Hell Rulers.

Dillon denied them seeing that would require Crowley to possess her.

The siblings had travelled to Sioux Falls, South Dakota where they would be staying with their father figure Bobby Singer while they handled a case that Bobby had found. Their first night there, Dillon had gone to a bar and met a guy named Joshua where she again ... had a Dean Winchester style kind of night.

A week later, Dillon had become sick with something, but yet she still wanted to help her brothers with the case they had been dealing with even though Sam consistently tried to stop her. They had gone to a vampire nest and that had been where they realized something severely wrong was going on with Dillon. She had let the case slip through her fingers, resulting in her own injuries.

Dillon Winchester had become pregnant with a nephilim.


Dillon had gotten hunting withdrawn before her pregnancy had gotten far in and went on a hunt after some vampires. Just like with her brothers, she had let this one slip through her fingers. They tortured her until a huntress she had never met before had showed up.

Her name had been Evelynn and she saved Dillon from turning into a vampire after that little hunt. She had managed to raise a fear within Dillon toward Castiel when it came to trusting people with her baby.

As the time for baby Lucas to come to the world, his father had been sending Dillon warnings, and once the time had come, Joshua arrived in the Bunker fighting off Dean as Sam, Evelynn and Jody had been caring for Dillon in her delivery. She had been worrying about both her big brother and her baby when Castiel appeared and he had attempted to take some of her pain away.

The last thing everyone had seen was a blinding light.

NOW ...

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