Chapter Five

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I pulled back from Sam in a quick fashion after the blinding light had stopped. Both of my brothers called after me but I was already halfway up the stairs before they could get me. I had to check on my son. I know something happened, the angels got him, someone.

But when I reached the room we were both sleeping in for our visit his back had been to the door and he was breathing heavily as he stared at the window. His arms were stretched out to his sides, palms up. I took a small step forward but my wrist had gotten in someone's grasp and that someone had been my eldest brother. When I looked back down, Lucas was staring at the both of us when his eyes soon started blinking slowly.


I let out a deep breath as I snatched my wrist from Dean and ran to my son. I engulfed him in my arms as he let all of his weight come into me and I couldn't help but feel my eyes feeling with tears.

"We were doing just fine," I whispered.

"Dillon — "

"Virginia was my safe escape! I had him safe!" I held my son against my chest tightly as I turned around to Dean angrily. Dean seemed to look guilty but at the same time he seemed irritated that I was getting upset. Without saying another word to him, I pushed past him and trotted down the stairs holding Luke as tight as possible. I wasn't letting him go, we would have to move again.

"A Shtriga? Well that makes sense why it went for him and not Bobby," I over heard Sam talking to Evelynn.

"Oh that's great, some bitch - I mean witch - was trying to get my son's life force," I forced out a fake laugh as I placed Luke down on the couch softly. I felt Sam's stares fall on my body and when I turned around I saw both my brothers and Evelynn looking to me.

"Dillon, you're overreacting," Dean stated in an attempt to calm me down but it only pissed me off more.

"Overrreacting! You cannot be serious right now. We were doing just fine in Virginia! Everything was fine and he was safe! Safe, Dean! But you came knocking on my door just like you did when Sam and I were in college! God why was I so stupid to answer that damn door for the second time! I should have kept it shut when I had seen your face!"

"Your brother was in trouble!" Dean argues back.

"Maybe if you hadn't of pissed him off like you always do and push him away like you always do then maybe he wouldn't have gone and almost gotten himself killed! Ever think of that, smart ass!"

"Hey!" Sam looked at me hurt at my choosing of words but I hadn't of cared what was going on at the moment. I was pissed off that I somehow got sucked back into the life after I swore I was going to stay out of it. It broke my heart that the moment I came back something was out to get him. It wasn't safe.

"This was nothing but a mistake. Trouble."

"You were protecting family," Dean argued pointing toward Sam. "A piece of the golden trio."

"This family is nothing but trouble, Dean! This golden trio nearly gets each other killed every time we're together, and everyone close to it! The moment he wakes up, we're leaving and getting off the grid again."

With those last words that pulled at my heart strings, I stormed out of the door to get some fresh air.


"You are going to go away just like that again, I hear."

My eyes shifted up after slamming the front door out of rage to see the tax accountant look-a-like standing at the bottom of the porch. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of the fallen angel not expecting to see him again. Not have wanting to have seen him again was what I had always told myself, but somehow I felt a sense of security with him standing only mere feet from me.

My Little Angel // Supernatural Where stories live. Discover now