Chapter Three

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I could see out of the corner of my eye as I looked through my pictures/videos Dean shifting uncomfortably in the driver seat more than likely wondering what to talk about first no doubt. There had been a gas station coming into view and I swear I heard him mutter "oh thank god" as he sped up to get to it and swiftly pulled in to a pump.

I got to a video that was of Luke pretending to play air guitar, air drum, sing and everything in between to an AC/DC song, and I figured if I showed Dean this video, his ass would chill out.

"Hey, Dean you wanna see this crazy video of your nephew?" I leaned over quickly in an attempt to surprise him and I had been successful seeing as he jumped when I leaned over.

"Jesus," he breathed looking at me before he looked toward the phone giving a soft nod telling me to hit play. I played the video and immediately Luke did a dramatic drum entrance while head banging.

"Crazy?" Dean laughed giving me a "please" look. "This kid is an absolute legend. He's going to do great things when he gets older."

I laughed while shaking my head as Dean slipped out of the impala to get us junk food and fill up the tank. I gathered the papers Bobby had given us from the middle before beginning to look through to see if I could decipher what it is we're about to throw ourselves into, and what could possibly have made Sam disappear with no warning.

I chewed on my lip as I read over the article noticing that there had been disappearances in the town, and somehow our Sammy is now a part of those victims ... hopefully not though. Hopefully he just broke his phone or something and he's completely fine.

"Getting anything from that?" Dean plopped back in the car, tossing a bag of chips in my lap and handing me a coffee. I mumbled a thanks as I softly shook my head pulling the newspaper into my lap.

"I don't get it, ya know. I feel like Sam would have called or texted you to send you one of our code words if he got in trouble. It just ... it's weird and we know weird."

"I'm trying to bet on that Sammy is just giving me the silent treatment. I'm hoping for the best," Dean shrugged as he turned on the impala and we felt the roar of the motor run through us before he sped off from the gas station.


I jolted awake as I looked around in a confused manner as to where I was as soon as the impala door had opened which made me jump once more before noticing it was Dean holding two motel keys. He gave me a questioning look before he spoke whatever he had been about to speak.

"You look like you just seen a ghost."

"Bad dream," I shook my head before looking ahead of me at the motel we had been at. "Is this Sam's motel?"

"Yep, his room is a couple doors down from ours," he offers me a key as I slide out of the impala looking ahead.

"No, I'm going to Sam's room," I went to the opened trunk, grabbing my lock pick kit out of my bag then waltzing over to the room that had been our brother's. I heard Dean's groan as he jogged up behind me grabbing my shoulder.

"I want to find Sam just as fast as the next person — "

" — The sooner we figure out what he was doing, the faster we can have a more positive chance of finding him alive," I look into my big brother's hazel eyes hoping he would read the concern in mine. He scanned my eyes over before letting out a sigh and gestures me to Sam's door. "Thank you," I muttered as I bent down beginning to unlock the door.

I pushed the door open and as expected, Sam had a ton of newspaper clippings taped to the walls, books sprawled all over the table and even on his bed. I looked back at down who looked down at me with a cautious look before stepping inside completely. I walked over to the table where he had a left over salad sitting next to his book with an empty smoothie cup next to it.

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