Chapter Four

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I sat in the chair next to Sam's hospital bed gripping his hand in my own tighter than I had been anticipating to. I scanned his face for any signs of consciousness as I tried to ignore the few tubes they had in his nose and mouth. The pad of my thumb traces small circles on the back of his hand as a shaky sigh escaped my lips while I scooted closer to his bed.

I heard the door to his room open gently but not even that drew my attention away from Sam. Some soap opera had been playing silently in the background as the person who had walked in stood on the other side of Sam's bed with an arm extended.

"Coffee? I noticed you didn't get much sleep last night."

I looked up seeing a tired Dean offering me a cup of coffee. I took the paper cup from his hand with my free hand before slowly bringing it to my lips. He pulled another chair up to the side of Sam's bed to take a seat.

"Has he made any movements?"

"None," I muttered as I sat my cup on the small tray next to the bed. I let out a sigh as I rubbed at my face and slowly making my way to my feet. I couldn't sit in this room staring at my unconscious brother much longer.

"I think I'm going to go outside and get some air or something," I scratched my cheek before leaning down to kiss Sam's forehead gently. I walked around the bed and just as I went to open the door, Dean gently took my hand in his holding it for only a few moments. I frowned knowing what was going through his head was just as bad if not worse than what was going through my head.

"I'll let you know if anything changes," he looked up at me then letting my hand fall to my side. I gave a small nod as I walked out of the room then outside where I took my phone out of my pocket. I went to Evelynn's contact then brought the phone to my ear as I awaited an answer.

I could talk to Dean about absolutely anything, but at this moment I needed to talk to someone else about not only my worries for Sam but also Dean.

"Hey, how's it going? Please tell me you guys are coming home soon?"

"I wish I could," I sighed as I traced the pattern on the bench

"Still nothing?" she sighed out.

I shook my head as my lip began trembling even though she couldn't see my head gesture. I got up from my perch on the bench to begin pacing back and forth out of habit. I was beginning to worry heavily about Sam and wondering if the last time I spoke to him would be two years ago when I told him we were leaving. When we got into a fight because I wanted to leave. When I had to live with my twin brother angry with me and not having been able to fix it. What if I never get to reunite with him?


"Am I going to be able to talk to Sam again?"

"Dillon, honey I'm sure he's going to wake up. It's just a matter of time."

"Dean isn't doing too well since we found him. Sam's hooked up to all these tubes and wires," I took a deep breath as I continued to try and push the thought of anything completely horrible happening to Sam. "How's Luke doing?"

"Absolutely great, Dill. We've played with his toys when I get the chance to come back to Bobby's, we've made a pie, he's been with Bobby outside with the cars. He's just having a blast."

I smiled at the thought of him not just sitting around missing Dean and me. I mean, I'm sure he does but I'm happy he's doing fun things and getting some bonding time with Evelynn and Bobby.

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