Chapter Seven

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Since Sam had told me of his secret, I would make time out of the day to get caught up on the research of whatever it was that was on the look out for Lucas and I .. well from learning it was mostly Lucas for what he was. There's never been a Nephilim like Lucas and once supernatural creatures (mostly demons and angels) had figured out about him, they wanted in on the power he holds. It was hard keeping this from Dean because it was something he had truly deserved to know, but at the same time I can see why Sam had kept it from him. According to Sam, Evelynn didn't even know.

I shook at of my thoughts when the Impala had come to a stop outside our old home, the one meant to hide us away but still got to my son. 

The bunker.

I lightly stepped out of the backseat with the help of Sam who smiled down at me happily to have me home nonetheless.

"Well, Dilly welcome home," Dean smiled as he opened the door to the bunker allowing me to be the first to walk in. The moment I took my first step into the bunker I had felt weak at the news as all the horrible memories from my last time here came clouding into my mom. The fight with Sam, Lucas's dad, leaving everyone unexpectedly. The memories were a lot to take in.

"You okay?" Evelynn took my hand in hers.

"Uh, yeah. Just a lot of unpleasant memories. I didn't think I would ever be coming back here to be honest," my eyes wondered around the downstairs mapping area up to the next level where you could see my room and my eyes had locked there as the memory of screams had run through my mind. I remember telling Sam to take care of Lucas after the birth. His dad getting into my head as I was about to have Lucas.

"I'm gonna go upstairs, I'll be down in a bit," I gave a safe smile to my brothers and Evelynn as I slowly made my way up the steps to the room I hadn't seen since the birth of my seven year old.

"You sure? You gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine, Dean. Drink a beer for me," I look over my shoulder slightly yet continuing up the staircase feeling as if the world were in slow motion. I took a deep breath as I saw the faded door shut allowing my hand to hover over the door handle wondering if I was prepared for the exploding memories that were beyond this door. I let out a breath as I twisted the knob and lightly pushed the door open revealing the untouched room.

The room where Sam and I had our fight.

"I have to go, Sam! It's what is best!"

"Oh yeah, running away from your problems! Real smart, Dillon! Remember what happened  the last time you ran from your problems? You got hooked on demon blood again! What if you do that and put the kid in harms way?!"

"I would never do that to him, you unfaithful dick! Why can't you support me for wanting to get away! After all I did runaway with you when it broke my heart to just leave Dean like that!" I pushed him away from me out of anger at the unfaithfulness he had toward me taking care of Luke, at thinking I couldn't properly do it. 

"Why can't I support you?! Because time and time again we learn that running away all makes things WORSE! I mean look at what happened the last time you ran!"

"What, Sam? I got pregnant. Did that make things worse?" I crossed my arms trying to hold back the unbelievable amount I was feeling toward him.

"It's making you leave us in the long run, isn't it?"

"You're a selfish jerk."

That had been the last thing I had said to Sam before walking out of the bunker with no goodbye and I had never thought I could have apologized for it, but it's weird how it played out and here we are again in some kind of trouble. I stepped further into the room running my fingers along the cold comforter clearly seeing it hasn't been touched in a long time.

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