Chapter Nine

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Dean, Castiel and I had been in the kitchen with Castiel filling us in on what he had known about my not so little son in the library. Sam and Eve had been with Lucas making sure all was good and trying to get anything out of the ... seven year old? I can't even call him that anymore.

"Cas, a week ago he was a little boy who looked no older than seven. How in the hell is he grown now?"

Dean hadn't meant to say it in such an angry way but Dean also didn't do well with confusion and disbelief like this even though we have been through a lot of disbelief. As the two boys had been standing against the counter I had been pacing back and forth with my thumb in my mouth. I couldn't get that image out of my head. The smirk he had on his lips when he spoke to Dean.

It was like something evil was in that smirk. I hated to think that about my own son, but what if the demon side of him was taking more control of his soul.

"Dillon, you're worrying me."

I hadn't heard Cas speaking to me as I continued examine the mental image of Lucas in my brain. As much as I didn't want to believe what was down the hall, I couldn't deny that kid. From the eyes of mine to the hair of Dean to the height of our damn brother. He was a Winchester.

"Hey," Dean grabbed me by one of my shoulders making me stop abruptly to look between him and Cas. My eyes scanned both gentlemen but no words had come from my mouth. My mouth hung agape as I tried to make some words but only shrugged plopping down on one of the stools.

"My .. My son was a child a week ago," I looked down at my fingers as they began fiddling with one another out of anxiety. "He was this little ball of energy who loved playing with Hot Wheels and Ninja Turtles. Now ... " I gestured my hand toward the doorway of the kitchen as my other hand covered my trembling lips. "This takes a whole new meaning to they grow up so fast. I mean, I didn't even get to see him as a baby!"

"Dillon, I tried asking him what happened. All I got from him was that this was no life for a child so he decided he needed to grow up."

"He decided?" I squinted my eyes at Cas in disbelief.

"What snapped in him?" Dean looked from me to Cas who only gave a small shrug.

"Like I said, I didn't get much from him."

"Whatever the hell those people did to him, Dean! I told you it was demons! I knew it was demons! From the moment they flipped the damn car!"

Dean had looked taken aback but I didn't let him saying anything before I continued.

"I told you I didn't want to leave! I told you I didn't want him here! I told you I wanted to stay away, Dean!" I was letting out sobs that I could barely control. I was mere inches from Dean at this point as my fists began to hit at his shoulders. "I told you they were going to take advantage of him! I told you something dangerous was going to happen! I knew that demon side of him was going to be hard to control! I knew .. I knew ... !" I hit him harder and harder each time and I could see him looking away from me as he tried to keep from crying.

"Dillon," Cas's voice creaked at my behavior.

"I wanted to keep him safe from everybody! From the family!" I sobbed in a raspy scream but I hadn't realized I had hands around my biceps until I noticed Dean walking away, and that little moment had brought in memories I didn't want to have.

"Dillon, Dillon listen to me. It's going to be okay."

Castiel had been the one holding me this time and when I allowed him to hold my against his chest I could hear his chest quivering. I held onto his tan trench coat tightly as I let a week worth of emotions out of my system in his arms. I had felt safe as he had held me and I had felt a sense of vulnerability but it was good because I felt okay being vulnerable with Castiel, and I wasn't sure if it was the human innocence of emotions or if he truly understood.

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