Chapter Eight

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"You gonna be all right, kid?"

I shook out of my thoughts as it had been Dean and I left in the impala when we had arrived to the motel in Portland, Oregon. I was no doubt worrying about Castiel and Lucas, but at the same time I think a case would be good for me. I looked for the backseat window to the rear view mirror would I locked eyes with my older brother.

"My arm is a little sore, but I think I will still be able to fight," I avoided the actual meaning behind his question, not wanting to reveal the great concern I was truthfully holding. He gave me a look that I knew all to well but I ignored him and climbed out of the impala to make my way to the motel suite. Before I could put my hand on the door handle, my wrist was grabbed and I halfway turned to look at Dean whom nodded his head back.

Behind him I had seen Castiel standing beside Baby. It had been days since I heard from him last so it was no wonder I nearly dropped my duffel (Dean caught it) and walked faster than intended toward the angel. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around me just as tightly and caringly.

"You haven't found him?" I pulled away looking around thinking my little guy might be hiding.

"Nothing yet. I have gotten on a trail a few times, but it always died out. He's learned how to keep himself hidden, Dillon. Angel radio has been going crazy."

"Angel radio?" I knitted my brows not liking the idea of Angel radio getting in on this at all. He could feel the concern I had at the mention of those dickheads.

"They know about him. They want him before the demons get him, before I get him."

"What're you doing here then? You should be out there," I spoke before I thought about my choosing in words which had left him speechless.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm taking my emotions out, I shouldn't —

" — Will you relax? I'm going to get him before either does. I promise, I thought I would inform you."

"And thank you for that, Cas. You're the closest he has to a father right now," I gave him a small smile and he got this new determination in his eyes. I smiled as did he and that was when he had flapped away from me.

I let out a deep, shaky breath as I made my way into the motel room.


"I'm Agent Roberts and this is my partner Agent Smith. We're here to ask you a few questions regarding Peter Sanders," Sam and I flipped our badges open as we approached the home of the parents of Peter.

The kid had vanished one night then was found hanging from his window that next morning. Dean wasn't too sure this was our kind of thing but it was nonetheless mysterious and mysteriously weird is our thing.

"The feds already talked to us."

"Of course, ma'am we're just here for some follow-up questions," I gave her a calm smile. "It was a long drive, do you mind if my partner uses your bathroom?"

Sam looked down at me with his signature "what the hell" look as a breath escaped his lips and he gave the mother a soft smile. She offered her hospitality and allowed both of us in telling Sam where the bathroom had been.

I followed her to the kitchen table where she had insisted I sit while she went to get some tea for Sam and me. I patiently waited as I looked around the dining area. I noticed a picture of Peter and another boy who was identical to him, like they were identical twins. Sam didn't find anything regarding to an identical twin.

"So your follow-up questions?" she came up with a tray of three cups and some cookies. I gave her a thankful smile as she had ripped my attention away from the picture of the two twins.

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