Chapter Eleven

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I had been in the middle of introducing Jack to Lucas and vice versa when I had been summoned once more into the mapping room where my brothers and sperm donor had been discussing the "creature" otherwise known as Lucas. I had been standing off to the side angrily with my arms crossed over my chest as I had listened in rather than participated in the discussion.

"What is the powerful we're talking?" Dean was playing along with John to not make us seem suspicious with the fact Lucas is who John was referring to. I had very sternly mentioned to Jack that he didn't need to do any kind of teaching until John left.

"I thought that we could do a little researchin' and huntin' together like the good 'ole days. Like a family."

I leaned off of the wall not enjoying this idea in the entirety, "You are not family," I growled. Sam shot me a warning look but I had done nothing but shook my head at his reaction.

"Maybe —

Dean," I gave him a warning look.

"It wouldn't be entirely —

— Dean Ross," I clenched my teeth. (yes I did just use Jensen Ackles's middle name for Dean. it is a fanFICTION after all 😂).

"Bad if dad joined us for a little bit," he looked at me sheepishly. Always trying to be daddy's perfect little boy. I looked at him with more anger than I could physically muster.

"Let's get to researchin'," John smiled up at the three of us but I had only stormed out of the room.


"I mean, how could he do this?! Especially knowing that you are who John will kill on the spot! He can be so hard headed!" I vented out as I paced the room back and forth while Lucas had been sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Maybe Uncle Dean did it to make it look like we truly don't know anything. Besides mom, I can hide myself and I won't use powers with him around," Luke closed his book as he looked up to me giving me a soft look. "I won't practice with them right now."

"I just ... don't want to even have the chance of losing you," I sighed as I had pushed his hair from his face to reveal his beautiful green eyes. He gave me a soft smile as he brought my hand down and held it.

"Trust me, mom you won't."

I sighed out as I leaned down and kissed his forehead hearing a cough from behind me at the door. I turned around to see whom had been interrupting my time with Luke to see it had been Sam standing there.

"Uncle Sammy," Luke gave him a smile.

"Hey," he gave him a soft smile. He looked up to me. "Uh, dinner .. " he pointed with his thumb.

"Lemme guess, wanted by John?"

Sam sighed as he awkwardly looked down at the ground then looked at me through his eye lashes as a look of "help" and "please" join. I crossed my arms over my chest as I didn't think I could survive a dinner with John and Dean playing daddy's little soldier.

"I know you're not his biggest fan, but if you love me," he chuckled lightly. "You'll save me the loneliness and be with me?"

I sighed in defeat, "For you, Sammy. You hungry, Luke?"

"Do I have to eat with your dad?" he looked between the two of us and we both stifled a laugh.

"For us," we said in unison.


Tonight's dinner choice had been some pasta Dean had put together with olive oil and garlic with a side of salad for Sam and me. I had been seated next to Sam while Luke was next to Dean and John had been where Dean normally sat at the end. I had been quiet so far the entire time as I picked through the pasta, not being the hungriest around John as he brought back some pretty terrible memories. Sam placed his hand on my knee when he had seen the uncontrollable shaking my leg was doing.

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